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Tungsten Gruvsten

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Posts posted by Tungsten Gruvsten

  1. yeah crazy - house inspections and permits etc seems almost like a crock of shit in many cases...I remember a couple years ago when I noticed that I only had a copy of my electrical rough-in certificate and I hadn't had my final inspection and it was past due....I phoned the ESA and apologized profusely and tried to schedule an inspection and she said it had passed already....I asked how since no one had come to the house to inspect it...she wasn't sure but said if the inspector was 'confident in your work' then it would have been ok'ed.....WTF?

  2. pretty sweet - I dug out a bunch of my old flyers at home to see what was in there....spent some tiem 95-98 going to crazy warehouse parties before they all went into clubs....not quite enough stories to fill a book but jeebus had some adventures!

    Friend of a friend ran Transendance, went to pretty well all of their events as well as lots of Alien Invasion (Destiny etc was too 'clubby' for me at the time...)

    Highlights LIVE PA stuff killed back then - I remember guys like Sunkissed or Mark Broom that had the whole slew of gear on a table - SH101, TB303, TR909, TR606, TR808 etc...turned me into a gearhead right quick! Seeing Autechre live... just, wow. Big party at the Ukranian Embassy in Chinatown...lotsa throwdowns from Derrick Carter, Terry Mullan, Carl Cox, Cari Lekebush etc etc...

    So many fuzzy, fuzzy memories...

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