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Tungsten Gruvsten

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Posts posted by Tungsten Gruvsten

  1. yeah shit this is turning into a repeat of previous Hillsides...

    What a dilemna - I live 2 blocks away, and there is shit all in the winter to do here...this is supposed to be a break from that!

    Does Sam Baijal think he is PT Anderson? You can't keep re-using this cast!

    IMO Woodhands is friggin' brilliant - their set at Hillside this summer was a throw-down! And Martin Sexton does not make it to these parts enough to bitch about - he is one hell of a gifted performer...

    Ani, please go away. Hawksley, enough is enough...

  2. if you were that tight panted guy it would go a long way in explaining certain things about Basher

    Gold! Man I'm gonna hafta fashion some sorta pendant for ya -

    These 'reverse photo bombs' are definitely a staple of office forwards, I've seen most of those(the old lady in the last one is priceless! AHHHHH) and there are lots more of people on the beach with other peoples junk hanging out...

  3. uggh some of them sound brutal - just sounds like the audience tape run thru a hard limiter plugin- you can hear the pumping and the stadium echo on trey's voice squashed into the forefront...damn I wasted half my work morning downloading these track by track!

    I gotta find a good copy of that Albany show - that was the one that melted my brain for the first time...

  4. hmmm Devo is touring right now and playing whole albums...they played goldsoundz from pavement crooked rain in 98...


    Meddle...wow would that be amazing. eat it DSOTM!

    tribute to jack johnson would be a dream come true for me(I alwasys want to hear Miles band without him playing...go ahead, flame away)

    Arcade fire would be epic but I almost think it's too new...backnblack would be a mindlbowing rock party!

    Either Zappa and I would probably cry or ascend or something ethereal...Television would work - those are very jammable tunes.

    ok i'm saying, Pavement(either), Bowie, Floyd(meddle) or Traffic.

    Wishes would be Floyd(meddle) Either Zappa or Wowee Zowee.

    I hope they don't touch Loveless, that doesn't belong on a stage, it's meant for speakers.

  5. yeah I dunno - saw them a couple times in 94 and 95, and saw Malkmus a few years ago....what's the point in this reunion? too much time has gone by - they aren't that band anymore. And please god if it happens don't put them in Arrow Hall like the pixies.

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