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Posts posted by Patchoulia

  1. http://www.wmur.com/news/17466108/detail.html?taf=man#-

    I mean, c'mon. Can't you just let it slide this one time? I'm sure they meant well...

    Man Charged With DWI While Driving Friend To DWI Hearing

    CANDIA, N.H. -- A Massachusetts man now faces drunken driving charges after ramming a courthouse curb while bringing a friend to a drunken driving hearing in Candia.

    The state trooper who arrested the friend two months ago was outside the courthouse Wednesday morning when 50-year-old Edward Cooper of Rockland, Mass., drove in. The trooper said the driver ran right into the curb, then was charged with drunken driving.

    Cooper was driving a friend to court for a hearing on a drunken driving arrest in July.

    Cooper now has his own hearing next month.

  2. http://www.glidemagazine.com/hiddentrack/langerado-filters-out-the-everglades/

    Langerado Filters Out The Everglades

    After spending only one year at Big Cypress in the Florida Everglades, the Langerado Festival heads back to the bright lights of the city on March 6-8 at Bicentennial Park in Miami. This marks the fifth change in venue over the course of the festival’s seven year history, which started in 2003.

    Langerado’s promoters aim to release a lineup in November of the 60+ bands who will play at the festival’s four stages. Festival co-promoter Ethan Schwartz spoke to Billboard.com about what we can expect…

    “From who we’ve booked so far it’s going to be really fresh,†Schwartz tells Billboard.com. “I would say that 75%-80% of the bands have never played the festival before.â€

    Bicentennial Park holds 35,000 people and the central location makes it easier for folks who only want to hit one day of the festie to attend.

    We’d bet that the late nights will once again be held off-site, as there’s probably a tight curfew at the park.

    Regardless, we’re happy to see Langerado return to its roots as an urban festival. Keep your eyes on HT for more on Langerado ‘09

  3. I got an email late last night from a colleague who manages the music stuff here at Rogers Wireless Marketing.

    He is the one who got me on the guest list for Panic in Toronto. (aka a good hook-up to have)

    Inexplicably, he asked me if I wanted 2 tickets for the New Kids on the Block concert on Thursday.

    My instinct is to respond, "Good lord, no!!! NO!!!!" or something equally vehement, but I do want to preserve the connection, in case of future events I want to attend, so I don't want him to perceive my reaction as overtly rude and thankless.

    Perhaps I'll just tell him I already have plans...

  4. I gotta try this Big Fat Burrito place...

    Basher looooves Burrito Boyz...I'm not as enamoured. I think their burritos are fairly pedestrian.

    Sushi on Bloor has a fanfuckingtastic vegetarian sampler dealie...damn, I kinda want that now. Too bad I'm not in Toronto at the moment.

  5. Never again...


    Anti-Theft Lunch Bag

    Do you have a problem with your co-workers snagging your lunch from the officer refrigerator?

    Now there's a new lunch bag that some say will keep the hungriest thief away from your grub.

    It's a lunch bag with mold. Actually, it's a ziplock bag with a pattern that looks like mold.

    Parents, this could also be a hit at the lunch table at your kids school.

    The designer is New York-based Sherwood Forlee who is actually a trained mechanical and aerospace engineer.


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