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Posts posted by Patchoulia

  1. thank you so much! You rock!

    What she said - ours came in too. How are your lungs' date=' Dave, btw? I'm thinking there must have been lots of habanero dust in the air while you were packing them, because just handling the ziplock got enough on my fingers to make me very conscious of having rubbed my eyes at some point afterwards (only the eyelids, thank God). Can't wait to do some proper cooking.


    From a PM w/Dave:

    "Got some in my eye when i was grinding some 2 days ago. I thought I was goin blind!!"


  2. Dave,

    I got my wonderful package of ground spicy organic peppers today--thank you so much! You rock!

    Now, my question is this: How much do you put in stuff?

    I notice one is "Medium Hot" and one is "Hot"--I've never dealt with ground peppers before, so I'm unaccustomed as to how to manage them.

    For example, if I'm putting together a kickin' chili--how much do I put in? I don't want to kill anyone, nor do I want to skimp on the flavour.

    Thanks again for your thoughtfulness...I can't wait to spice up the kitchen organically and spicilly (that can't be a word).



    P.S. The packaging was perfectly intact--good job!

  3. haha...I'm more into lifting and biting and chestslams in public...hahaha...can't wait to see you good freaks again! :)

    Back atcha, baby!

    I expect plenty of chestslams. I don't know precisely what that means, but it sounds kinky.

  4. hahaha....now I have no idea what Basher is speaking of? ;)

    I swear I tried to cease honking after my b-day thread....it just didn't stick very well. :P


    I'm unfamiliar with this honking. You'll have to demonstrate the next time I see you! :)

  5. Dear everyone,

    Anyone in need or want of a TV?

    I know lots of people here don't watch TV, but, if you do and are interested...

    I'm getting a new one...assuming the new one works and everything, the old one is up for grabs.

    It's a 6" black & white--fits perfectly on the kitchen counter. Takes about 30-45 minutes to heat up, but, after that, it works perfectly!

    Just kidding.

    It's a 20" screen, does work perfectly--it's not stereo, though--but it can be hooked up to a stereo if so desired. It's about 7-8 years old.

    If anyone's interested, PM me. It will be yours pending installation of my new one.



  6. not sure if its an Osterizer blender, or something similar, but you can just screw a regular old mason jar onto the blade assembly, the little black thing that the blades sit in, usually on older blenders, theyre threaded for the glass to screw on, and jars screw right on there. little known fact, except in mycology circles

    mason jar margeritas anyone?

    Sounds like a recipe for a kitchen covered in margaritas...at least if I attempted it...


  7. How old is the blender? If it's relativily new, just email the maker of the blender, tell them how much you love thier products, I guarantee, you'll get a new one...I did the same thing for a new blade on mine.

    Excellent tip--and I wouldn't be lying. I do love the blender. It's the closest to a food processor I've ever encountered in blender form.

    I've also decided that "turf the blendy bits" is going to be a GREAT new catch-phrase.

    A prize will be sent to the skank who comes up with the best meaning of the phrase.

    Contest closes 12/10/05 6 pm.

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