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Everything posted by MamaPink

  1. Booooooo to yooooooooou number twooooooooo! It's been way too long, my friend! Congrats to Anz though - AWESOME! All the best to him and mom and baby!! YAY!
  2. Gator dug one out when he heard za germans were comin'
  3. Oops, that last post was me. I'm sure you all guessed that, considering Gator's usual response would be to offer the ditch to sleep in.
  4. word has it, that exact pink outfit is in California. I'm sure I could find something equally humiliating though...
  5. I don't have any experience, but my advice to you would be to keep your ballsack away from Gator's foot. And as for schwampy wearing the pink outfit... i could probably make that happen for ya, C-towns...
  6. Should we have a raffle?? I've got lots of stuff to raffle off... as long as there's interest... $1 for 5 tickets... win some good sexy stuff
  7. I've got an old peice of shit turntable and a microphone that's attached to my kid's tape recorder.... that probably sounds worse. Seriously though, what kind of turntables are they, Willy??? My records are sad and lonely...
  8. MamaPink

    good Lord!

    How do they get them to stay in the top??? I bet it's glue... boobglue.
  9. I wish I had 2 turntables... and a microphoooooooooone
  10. MamaPink

    good Lord!

    Her boobs weren't that big in Ghost World...
  11. How fricken great were those puppets!?!??!!? I really enjoyed that show! So creative, loved the little video they took of Toronto... good stuff. Nice and LOUD too... ah yeeeeaaah
  12. OK... so the name Spank Rock totally suits the opening band. Only change the first word to Sucks and the last word to Alot. See you all tonight!!!
  13. Up and coming rap group? Hmmm... yeah, doesn't sound like my cup of tea either. We might just be meeting you at the pub.
  14. haha Willy! We're kinda thinkin' along the same lines here. Not sure what time we'll be cruising in considering we can't leave until 6:00ish. But we're up for something after for sure... how about you?
  15. Livingstoned!! See you tonight, baby!! We should all hook up after the show... oh wait, you all probably have to work in the morning, eh?
  16. Wow! We're all kinda close.... I love the Ricoh! I've heard the puppets will be there... i hope that's true!
  17. I think we're sitting kinda near you Willy!! We're in section 115, row FF See you tonight!
  18. Pinkstagor will be there!!! Can't freakin' WAIT!!!
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