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Posts posted by MamaPink

  1. we video taped the entire last show at the Lanc but sound it crap.

    Have you tried syncing it up with the audio I recorded?


    It's not my best recording' date=' but I think it's quite a bit better than crap.



    We would like to BradM, but we're not sure how to do that. We don't really have the right equipment. I would gladly lend the tape out, if someone wants to take on the task.

  2. Pink, that flat out sucks. I can't even imagine how pissed off that taper would be.

    Okay, so this isn't musically on par with Ween, but the Jack Johnson show a few weeks back felt like a fucking church choir. BRUTAL! I've never been surrounded by so many dimwits in my life.

    DMB shows are really bad for that too.

    At this one Tori Amos show, I was sitting next to this girl who was singing along with every song. Worst part was, she didn't even know the words. Half way through the show I snapped and told her I didn't pay $50 to listen to HER sing.

  3. fuckin' crap - I'm listening to Baby Bitch on this recording of the second show and there's this stupid loser girl singing totally OFF KEY along with the song. She's so loud you can't even hear gener. I hope at some point during the show the taper gives her a nice ass punch.

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