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Posts posted by MamaPink

  1. Gator just developed a bunch of film he found while we were cleaning the house. Here's some great passed out skank shots:

    Big Friendly:


    Karin with the sissy pants on:


    Wade, Gator, Bobby EagleEyeJones & Ben:




  2. This auction is open to everyone - no matter WHERE you live. We'll find a way to get it to you!

    ok... so it looks like we have $6 so far to Grateful Dave... shameful amount for such a pretty bong, but hey... it's a start.

  3. why did Jann Arden leave the stage like that? Seemed kinda weird to me.

    I think the most dissapointing was when Vince Neil said, "it's all about the music man" - idiot

    Although I'm not a huge fan of the Bare Naked Ladies, I thought they sounded REALLY good. And they always find a way to make me giggle a little.

    Pink Floyd gave me shivers... oh what a lovely tease that was!

  4. no del... he's still in my belly. His due date is the 8th, but they'll let me go 10 days over... so we don't really know. We'd really like him to be out though! We're both about to explode with anticipation!

    We'll be sure to post the announcement of his birth!

  5. Happy Birthday uncle schwampy!!

    It's SOOOOO weird without you here right now, i wish we could be with you to celebrate the day you turn 30!!! I bought you a walker but it was too akward to ship so you'll have to wait until you get home to get it.

    Can't wait until you get back and we can drink beers in the limo!!!

    have a blast tonight and try to make this birthday last as long as possible!

    Love you lots

    Mama Mir & baby Kaden

    (now it's time to post the most embarrasing picture i can find)

    it's a toss-up between this one:


    and this one:


  6. Well,after a quick phone call & some begging...I was able to round up a Sony MD for recording this show.So,it looks like I'll get this one afterall.emthup.gif

    Well I'm sorry to hear your equipment is all busted Esau, that really sucks a lot. But I'm really happy to hear you'll be taping the show against all odds. You rock brother!

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