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Posts posted by MamaPink

  1. the goven'r is so great that he gets TWO birthday threads!!

    Ian... I didn't know it was your birthday... well, until now anyways!! And here I thought we were just coming down to celebrate your new home! DOUBLY reasons to celebrate now! I'll be sure to get Kaden to make you a nice little present in his diaper for ya!

    Hope your birthday is as truly wonderful as you are. You ALWAYS make me smile and your hugs are the BEST!!

    Can't wait to see you and your beautiful girlfriend this weekend.

    Hugs and kisses to both of you...

    Love Mir

  2. i would ummm suggest whatever you pick, make sure it's something you'll be happy saying oh....100 million kajillion times in your life.

    no kidding! We knew our boy's name from the beginning so we had said it about that many times before he was even born... KADEN KADEN KADEN... I still love it.

    So far my fav names in this thread are BORK BORK and Joey Joe Joe... nice.

    I had a really hard time finding an interesting boys name too h... I've always liked the names Ryan and Daniel.

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