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Posts posted by MamaPink

  1. One of my pet peeves is people that stand and chat in inappropriate places - like right outside the exit of Massey Hall when 2,000 people are trying to leave.

    I couldn't agree with you more, Basher! I HATE that!

    Sunshine, that story just plain sucks. I can't believe no one helped you! I liked Kaidy Mae's answer... just be happy knowing YOU would never let someone be trapped in the same dilemma.

    I would give you some advice of my own, but I never deal with those situations gracefully. I'm way too confrontational.

  2. That kid's pretty good at staying in the lines. ;)

    haha! that little girl looks so proud too.

    i have a whole archive of hilarious photos from the good ol' days when we could all make fun of eachother without the use of purple font.

  3. Just a few things that made me giggle this morning as I was cleaning up my computer.

    Why you shouldn't leave your kids alone with markers...




    20 Minute Wookout...



    (no comment)


    If there paramedics ask, I licked it 3 times...


  4. That's a really good game! I'm defintely going to have to play that sometime in the near future.

    I can't believe this girl was even able to fall asleep after everything that's been done to her!


  5. I'm sure this has probably been asked many times on this board - but i'm too lazy to search for it.

    can anyone tell me the best sites to download live music sets from? The only one I can remember is etree.org

    thanks in advance!


  6. Happy birthday stinker!

    I hope you had an amazing birthday because you deserve it more than you know! You are the reason behind the smile lines on my face... your humour and support keeps me going. Thank you for everything baby... and most of all, for being the best dad our son could ever ask for. I love you so much!




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