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Posts posted by fluffhead77

  1. I'd love to hear the live morrissey, although something tells me it might be just average...

    Now live Smiths, that's some good sh!t...the album Rank is wicked....now if only morrissey and Marr would agree to reconcile their differences for 6 months...long enough for them to tour to Canada, I'd be one happy person.

    As far as the Oscar Wilde bussiness...he's a huge fan, citing him in several interviews as somewhat of his muse, as well as in a song lyric or two....

    " A dreaded sunny day

    so I meet you at the cemetery gates

    Keats and Yeats are on your side

    while Wilde is on mine..." From Cemetary Gates

    His lyrics are so darkly funny, it's just a wonder more people don't appriciate them...

    "I crashed down on the crossbar

    and the pain was enough to make

    a shy, bald buddhist reflect

    and plan a mass-murder" From Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before...

  2. by the smiths...I recently re-bought this album and am reminded just why this band was such a force...Johnny Marr is a guitar god. Morrisseys wit and dripping sarcasm just kill me...most people I know either love or hate this band (mostly due to morrissey's vocal stylings)...what's your take?


    I was just listening to CP24 and the press conference was on...

    Producer (Micheal Coln):"What's the difference between Vince Carter and Lord of the Rings? Lord of the Rings recognizes Toronto is a great city and wants to play here for a long long time!"...

    Crowd Cheers*

    Producer : "You know I've been a big fan of Pink Floyd for a long time, and I consider this production to be the Pink Floyd of the theatre."

    Can't wait to see what it's gonna look like...$30 million budget...that's huuuuuge...I went to school for Tech Theatre, and that's a SHITLOAD of cool effects baby!!

  4. I saw a setlist from a night or two ago at the Beacon...I would love to find this show...does anyone have any links to live allmans? I've checked the archive....

    Allman Brothers Band

    Beacon Theater , New York City , NY

    Set I: Don't Want You No More > Not My Cross to Bear, Ain't Wastin' Time No More, Can't Lose What You Never Had, Maydell, Midnight Rider, High Cost of Low Living, Woman Across the River, Stormy Monday, Egypt

    Set II: Please Call Home@, Rain@, These Days@, Preachin' Blues@, Statesboro Blues, Black Hearted Woman > drumz > Black Hearted Woman, Why Does Love Got To Be So Sad?* > Franklin's Tower*, In Memory of Elizabeth Reed**

    Enc: You Don't Love Me

    Notes: @ Acoustic. * With Rob Barraco on keyboards and James van der Bogert on drums. Without Jaimoe. ** With guest percussionist.

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