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Why does god hate the Habs?

Guest Low Roller

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Guest Low Roller

I think it's time to get superstitious all over this bizness and get the Habs some Karma points by busting out the rally caps:


I think The Boys need as much help as possible right now...

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The Habs are done. They never had a chance this year really. Too small and soft, with a no-name defense and inconsistent goaltending. Injuries didn't help matters and the few bright spots like Zednik, Rivet, Markov and Koivu out-weigh the teams total lack of depth and grit.

Montreal is littered with under-achieving, over-rated players like Jan Bulis, Donald Audette, Mariusz Czerkawski , Randy McKay etc... ( although in his defense, most of the year he was one of only 3 or 4 Habs forwards that played with grit game in and game out ).

I'd like to see Montreal get into the playoffs, but they'll have to do some magical things on or before the trade deadline. Maybe they could trade some young players on their current roster for some immediate help. Is Mike Ribero ever going to be a player? What about Marcel Hossa or Ron Hainsey? Maybe Hamilton Bulldogs' Jason Ward could get packaged with someone from the current roster. The bad thing for the Habs now is that the Bruins have started to play well at the right time ( for them ). It'll be hard to catch them unless Montreal turns it around and/or does something great at the trade deadline.

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Guest Low Roller

If Montreal is ever going to turn it on, it has to be now. The Islanders are going on a six game road trip, so this is probably the last chance for the Habs this year.

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The Isles are a damn good team, with or without Yashin. Peca makes that team play like him, and that's scary. I can't see the Islanders going into the tank now, but the Bruins ( my fav team ) could, since they rely on a young defense and have shoddy, inconsistent goaltending. The McLaren deal won't pay off until next year. Jeff Jillson will be a stand-out defenseman, but he's not ready to fill Kyle's void right now. Look out. The Rangers are getting hot. Maybe chemistry is starting to kick in.

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Guest Low Roller

That website is hilarious. No really, I laughed. I laughed at the broken links. I laughed at the outdated information. I even laughed at the hilarious grammar errors in the french disclaimer.

- <-- you.

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Oh yeah Jaimoe...

The Bruins are hitting their stride all right.

Blackhawks 8!!!

Bruins 5?

Absolutely pathetic. The Blackhawks aren't even a strong Western Conference team. It's very disturbing... how can you all handle being fed this watered down, crap-happy version of professional ice hockey every night? The East really needs to pick things up. Shit... Nashville would make the playoffs if they were in your conference!!

Truth be told... there are only 3, maybe 4 Eastern Conference teams that can be considered ANYTHING of a quality hockey team this year... and I use the term "quality" loosely when I refer to the hockey being played out East the last couple of years.

1. Ottawa

2. New Jersey

3. Toronto (as much as it kills me to say so)

4. Philadelphia (THAT'S a team that's hitting their stride)

Other than those 4, the rest are a crap shoot... there's 15 games left? Anyone at the cusp could still get in... Montreal, NYR, you name it. It's not like any of those other Eastern teams are in a dominant position and couldn't crash and burn REAL EASILY.

I used to hate the Habs... but it's tough to hate a Canadian team that are so hard of luck and behind the 8-ball constantly because of our dollar and their tax situation. GO HABS!!! They've been SO burned this year (eh Habs fans?). Who knew that Audette & Czerkawski would BOTH be the biggest busts of last summer's free agent pool. Poor, poor Montreal.

As for Boston, they stink... chokers... every one of them except Thornton.

So... great. It's always fun to cheer for your team to make the playoffs knowing their dead meat without even a HOPE of winning the big prize, no?

fun fun.


Go Canucks!!!!!!

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Originally posted by keither:

So... great. It's always fun to cheer for your team to make the playoffs knowing their dead meat without even a HOPE of winning the big prize, no?

fun fun.


Go Canucks!

oh keither, you must have just become a Canucks fan, otherwise you would remember the good ole days... you know where us Canucks fanswould spend the months of March and April praying for the Gods of Playoff Calcualtion to carry the 2 and let them sneak into the post-season? Or maybe you were too busy jumping ship for the Oil.... [Razz]

anyways, to answer the question "Why does god hate the Habs?"...well, its not that he hates them, its just that he uses all his love for this:


"sit down little boy..."

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Guest Low Roller

I will always cheer for the Habs in good times and bad times (well, I'll probably boo them in bad times, like a TRUE Habs fan).

Not even highbrow flash animations will sway my opinion or allegiance.

It looks like we'll have four Canadian teams in the playoffs this year for sure. I just hope that the Habs can climb out of their current funk, and topple the Rangers, Islanders, and Boston.

At least we can all agree that the Rangers are pieces of shit.

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I would never jump off the Canucks ship... never have, never will... especially not to jump on the Oil tanker or the Flame wagon... or any other Canadian ship for that matter. I DO see your point though CharlieDS... but back in those days we knew it was going to be a short run through the playoffs so we didn't get overexcited. It's just the way the Nuckleheads have played this year that alters perspective... this is a GREAT team... arguably the most complete team we've ever had in Vansterjam, so this year's playoffs are REALLY something to look forward to. You can't fault me for wanting to roast Habs, Laughs, or Bruins fans can you? They just can't seem to let go of that past glory and wake up to the current state of affairs in the NHL... where the team out of the East gets SMOKED by the best of the West year after year... Unless you're one of them of course!!


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i'm just not wanting to put da jinx on the Nucks.... you know, give 'em the voodoo and whatnot... my feelings for the bruins, habs and leafs read like this:

Bruins = eternal indifference, but i do think that joe thorton dresses in drag far too often to be psychologically healthy

Habs= pure pity. Currently, they are worthy of the ECHL, maybe. I love when the only defence a hab fan has is asking how many Cups yer team has won!

Buds=you know when you've left something, like chicken cordon bleu, in the fridge for too long and it gets all hairy-like? That's the sort of ugliness i feel when the buds show up...not that i wouldn't cheer for them if they were the one remianing canuck team in the playoffs, but thats just as likely to happen as tie domi gettin' a brain!

what's even beter than a habs fan asking how many Cups my team has won, is a Buds fan asking the same. My answer is, "Hmmmm...let me see....I guess as many as the Leafs have since '67..."

anyway, too make a long story even longer, i gots butterflies big time, but the playoffs are a whole new season....

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With Laugh fans it's even better than that for me... when was the last time the Leafs even PLAYED for the Stanley Cup?

I'd die if a Canucks-Maple Laughs final managed to materialize by some freak chance.

That would be too sweet.

And OH would we be having fun on the board here!!

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Guest Low Roller

Habs Watch 11/03/03

Last night's score: Habs 3 - Nashville 1


07. Boston.............73

08. NY Islanders....71


09. NY Rangers......67

10. Montreal..........66

11. Florida.............65

Games To Watch Tonight:

- Boston in Ottawa

- Islanders in Vancouver

Habs Next Game:

March 12th in Florida (HUGE game!)

What do you know, I'm finding myself cheering for the 'Nucks tonight.

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I'm Canadian, eh?

I'm a promoter though, so I like being overdescriptive sometimes.

I can't believe that Freedom Fries crap... haven't been down to Washington State for a bit, but I'm sure it's all over the place.

Ya'll take care now y'hear comrades! [Razz]

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Guest Low Roller

The magic number is now 3!!!!! points away from a playoff spot.

Booche, are you calling me unrealistic? Where's the love for the Habs??

Sure they won't win the Cup but:

A- Sens have already clinched the division, the conference, AND the chili cook-off. There's no more thrill of the hunt there. Playoffs will be a different story.

B- Damn those fucking Rangers!

C- Damn Yashin!

D- The Habs need to prove that they aren't IDIOTS for trading a good goalie to their struggling direct competition.

E- The Habs need to prove that they aren't MORONS for trading Gilmour and Petrov for a handful of blue m&m's.

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Guest Low Roller

Oh cruel Fate! Why doth thou mock me? Surely there are lesser forms of punishment than to be forced to cheer for the Maple Leafs?

I know I made a pact with Beelzebub himself to ensure a playoff position for the Habs, but why, oh cruel Fate, does the Habs destiny lie on the shoulders of the hated Maple Leafs tonight as they play the Islanders?

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