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How many Sanctuarians are musicians?


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Just as a kind of survey/discussion thing, how many people here on the Sanctuary are musicians? If you are, what do you play, how long have you been playing, what are your major influences and ambitions, are you gigging/jamming (or if not, are you looking for people), are there any samples of your stuff available, etc.?

To start things off, I've been playing guitar for about 15 years. Mostly electric rhythm and lead, in the style of (but not nearly as good as) Jeff Beck, Zappa, etc. Ultimately, I'd like to get into a jamband situation (a la Phish or the Dead); I'm jamming with some people (every other week) and it's great, except they're not into gigging. A sample of my playing can be found at


(click on the link beside the word "Tune"; it's a 5 Mb 5 minute MP3 I whipped up using a Boss DR-5 for a bass/drum backing with one rhythm and two lead guitars on top of it; as a kind of one-chord-vamp riff-o-rama it was fun to do).

Take it away, guys.



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I play bass and I have since about 94 but most of those years i don't count because i was partying in my small town where there wasn't enough musical talent and openmindedness to fill a thimble except for a few select people.

i don't learn songs - i jam to albums.

I like to play with people.

currently, I'm taking Music Industry Arts at Fanshawe College in London Ontario. Soon you'll be able to hear stuff i'm working on...well maybe not soon but eventually.

ask giggles to hear some of the stuff i helped him on if you want an example of stuff we did that could be expanded on about fifty-fold.

watch out for that giggles character...he'll knock you on your ass with his 'c'est huit' sound.

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oh yeah - I've been into musical ideas...fusing thoughts but not in a totally free way...applying dubstyle to jazz and jambands as well as reggae and psychadelic rock.

I love too much music. everything from ska and reggae to funk, jazz, folk, post rock, college indie stuff, electronic styles, hip hop, and bluegrass.

if you'[re ever in london, give me a shout so we can get together and make some noise.

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Well Brad, I think there may be a few of us out there that dabble in the musical arts. I for the main part now play guitar. I'm very much into Jazz right now but that's really limiting the field. My influences are Jerry, Trey, Lenny Breau (but Breau is Breau, I do what I can) Scofield, and the Lord Coltrane. This list could go on for pages. I am into the idea of experimentation (and not in the weird, kinky way booche is). Along the lines of the Bob Belden/Tim Hagans Re-animation Live concept from the 99? Montreal Jazz Festival.

I am slowly piecing together a jam/all sorts a wild shit/band having already found my bass player some years back when we were in another band. He is canned beats and can rip some phat ass bass.... he's really good. I am always looking for gigs and folks to play with but I am confused as to where I want to live right now(I am in a shit hole town and want to be moving very soon, but am not sure to where.....London? or Ottawa?,out West?) so i've been very lazy.

Too bug eyed to continue......this computer screen is ruinin' my 5$ high, me out...

Giggles grin.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0

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I've been trying to play guitar for 15 years. Pete Townshend was my biggest musical influence growing up - he still is in many ways. I'm influenced by a lot of musicians - I'm constantly listening to tons of different types of music. Here's a partial list of some of the people that have influenced me musically, although I still feel my strength as a guitarist is rooted in the blues: Townshend; Duane Allman/Dickie Betts; Neil Young; a little Frank Zappa; Coltrane; Miles; Muddy Waters; Hendrix; The Dead; Warren Haynes - for slide; Eddie Hazel from Funkadelic; Trey; Mick Taylor and Keith; Page and Jeff Beck. I wish I could play/compose like Lenny Breau!

My first guitar is a Taiwan-made Yamaha acoustic -today, I only use it for slide purposes. I now try to play a: Taylor 510; 1967 Ovation semi-hollow body electric; G&L ASAT Classic; an original Ibanez RG 550; and a cheap-ass bass - I ain't know Larry Graham. As I always say, " I got lots of gear, but I ain't got know gigs ". I jam rarely - the last time was with Giggles a few months ago. I recorded some lead guitar on 7 tracks on the weekend for my roommate's forthcoming punk cd. That's it. I jam whenever the Bouchard boyz and I cross paths in K-town. That's it. Sorry about the length of my message, but I like to improvise.

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