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Racist? or just making a comparison to the gang members they're dressed like? what do you think?

Bullard remark leaves music crowd stunned


Ottawa Sun

On this Valentine's Day, Mike Bullard can be assured he won't be receiving any love from Canada's urban musicians.

The caustic comic who has his own talk show on CTV, shocked a gathering of media and musical artists Monday in Toronto during the Juno Award nominations.

Upon noticing a group of urban artists, Bullard quipped: "I'm really glad to see all the hip-hop kids in the front row. That way our radios will remain in our cars."

The mood inside the Masonic Temple, where the presser was held, suddenly dropped to a shocked, nervous hush. When one unidentifiable audience member verbally complained the jab was far from amusing, Bullard barked back, "I'm kidding. Relax, all right? Don't get your toque all a-fluster."

"For a very politically correct, forward-thinking, urban-friendly audience, there were literally incredulous blank stares," said Aaron Brophy, managing editor of Chart magazine. "As a community, they're all very concerned about image ... being very careful to say the right thing. To pick on these guys in that subtle racist way, even if it was for comedy, that took everybody aback."

Hannah Sung, MuchMusic's new pop culture reporter, couldn't believe what she heard.

"I scanned the room and saw a lot of swiveling heads and ... jaws dropping," she said. "He has such an alienating kind of humour. It's not about, 'hey, let's laugh together.' He insults people."

Hip-hop artists Baby Blue Soundcrew and Ghetto Concept were in attendance during the ceremonies. Neither was available for comment.

But as Comedy Network spokesman Scott Henderson sees it, "It's Mike Bullard. You never know what he's going to say.

"The reaction wasn't great; it was a very dead crowd. But the matter of the situation was that the focus was on the Juno Awards, not the host of the press conference."

That left the Barenaked Ladies, who'll host the actual awards ceremony April 24 in St. John's, Nfld., to break the icy tension within the room.

"We'd like to announce the Junos in the top eight categories," keyboardist Kevin Hearn said before frontman Steven Page piped in, "For the most uncomfortable press conference, the nominees are: Mike Bullard, Mike Bullard and Mike Bullard!" (More on: Mike Bullard).

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He should watch what he says...but isn't this Bullard's nature?

Put a person or a group in the hotseat for a crack and get a laugh. If someone talks back, hit 'em harder.

That's his formula, and he's quick enough to do it, but maybe too quick for his own good.

Is it true that the Hip Hop artists in question were dressed like gangbangers? I dunno, I wasn't there, but I think that's all the joke was meant to be.

Would it be fair to say that if an East-Coast group were sitting in the front row that the fish would be safe for a little while?

I think that his quip is being reinterpretted and retargetted towards a racial group rather than a musical sector buy the media and of course the folks in the toques.

I don't think it's worthy of an uproar that can only get worse.

I'm sure there were a lot of white hip hop artists there too. Were they not part of the joke?

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Bullard's an idiot and this helps prove it....

But everyone should lighten-up on the P.C. thing as well. Lot's of hip-hoppers pride themselves on being bad-asses w/ criminal records - so don't they encourage the stereotype?

I think the main problem with the joke is that it wasn't funny - even without the controversy.

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