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here comes sunshine!!!


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For those of you in the sunshine zone today, doesn't it feel good? Dogs are smiling, the grass is blazing, and the Iced Cappucinos are flowing.

When I get home from work today, it's onto the balcony for my pasty-white ass, cold Moosehead in hand, and a Summer Phish show on the stereo. Maybe Deer Creek '99 or '00.

I hope you can get out and enjoy it, if you can!

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Mmmm. It feels like summer. I got home from work, put on shorts and a t-shirt, cracked open a beer, cranked up the tunes, fired up the barbeque and had steak, potatoes and nice juicy tomatoes for dinner. Only thing missing was some company. Guess I shouldn't have pissed off so many people with my "Sucking sucks" comments this morning. Lesson learned.

Must go digest now. Hope I don't fall asleep. wink.gif" border="0

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Ahhh the sweet summer heat...Nothing like standing on the goddam 95 at 5:30 with 250 my closest bus mates, with a few of them that smell very putrid, and then pull up to Baseline while watching the 174 drive away, creating a 15 minute wait and asked for a smoke about 17 times by all the little punks in gangsta gear...

but this made it all worth it...the next bus was air conditioned....Awwww sweeeeeet!

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Now that is what I have been missing, windows down, tunes up.... ahhhhhhh

My dog got the longest walk he has had in months today..... felt good for me to

The urge to swing a golf club or baseball bat is overwhelming... I went to the range but they were out of balls?? What's that all about?

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hey passed out guy-i'm in king city, and have to go to newmarket to see a buddy tonight very briefly...must work tomorrow morning in oshawa at 830am...

i will be leaving shortly after noon if all goes well.

another time dude....i would if i could my friend. u 2 jaimoe.

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