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Triple blender - Thurs 1st time Ottawa? ever?


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So we have 3 bands this Thursday at Cafe Dekcuf:

Project Gold - Bryan from Dekcuf's band, with Al-jee (Ferriswheeler) on sax.

Nice Rack - Jodie from Dekcuf's all-female band.

& Dr. H....

3 bands blending sets...has this ever been done??

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Jambandfan's dream, taper's nightmare...which in no way should dissuade you (or anybody else) from putting on such shows; I like a challenge. [Wink]

Any idea when this whole musical conjunction / conflagration is slated to kick off? My usual Dekcuf arrival time is 9:30pm, but I'm thinking of moving that up to 9pm; will the doors be open by then?

And how long do we expect the show to run? My usual strategy for a set-blender is to run a 3-hour tape, and at the first convenient point after 2.5 hours, swap it out for a 2-hour tape. So far, it's worked fine, but I'm thinking I may need two 3-hour tapes...



P.S. If anybody wants a preview of Project Gold, show up tonight at the Dekcuf Open Jam. If you there early (like 9pm) you might catch the tail-end of one of their rehearsals; Oliver and Bryan (members of PG) also often play in the jams, along with Aljee.

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I would imagine a 10ish kick-off....full bar - 10 on the nose...not so full - 10:15 ish...doors will be open from about 6:30 on...

I'm assuming the show will run till at least 1:00 ish....I think your usual DAT setup is the way to go....music from 10-2:30 is 4.5 hours, and I would be suprised if that happened...

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I've been waiting for this one since it was announced! What better mix than these three? I'm looking forward to hearing Nice Rack and Project Gold for the first time and well....as a hardcore Huxie fan, I'd follow them anywhere!

I need my fix. Funny how missing one week of JamBand Thursdays can completely screw up your system!

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