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Lenny Kravitz


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I feel tears welling up from down deep inside right now. Finky-poo...where on earth have you been?

I have a trivia question for you.

2 cars are travelling at 120 km/h. Both cars leave at the EXACT same time, and arrive at the destination at the EXACT same time. Both cars stopped after 2 hours of travel at a house in kingston that serves sandwiches that have which red sauce as the 'secret ingredient'.

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Why is everyone mocking Lenny? He kicks ass!!!

I hope it's Danzing..."MOTHER"

Mike....It's the HOAGIE HOUSE...it's been a LONG time since I've been there!!! mmmmmmmmm HOAGIES!!!


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nope, i was serious, he fucking rocked when i saw him. i dont remember a flute player booche, maybe though it was quite a long long time ago. he was still married to lisa bonet at the time

i was sitting on the stage stairs and when they were done, they played right out the door - so as he walked down the stairs i looked up and he was velvet right there, so i had to - i had to cuz it was my bday.

(i found out years later that a friend of mine had been telling people for years that i'd grabbed his crotch! golly gee, even i'm not that rude!)

he's the type of player you have to listen to live - the album versions dont sound anything like the live versions...

i'm ignoring that pink is the opener -

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