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Detroit and Trey


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Wah Wah trumpets, dancin' trey's, what else can i say?

Trey was having more fun than anyone else in the theatre thats for sure! And what a theatre it was. just stunning. loved the crazy meditating stone figures built into each side wall.

Crossing the border there was tough, over an hour wait, and we, stupidly left with about 45 minutes till show start. we were staying in windsor, so we had to do some "cheatin" to get across in time.

Managed to walk in half way through the first song. Very easy to find, and no check on the way in.

Very technical sounding stuff. Gone was the over the top intensity i'd come to love from Red Rocks, but in its place was textured grooves, with layers and layers of instrumental sound.

Personal highlight was the last tube. Amazing flute solo's, the percussionist going off with tribal chants, and monkey noises. Something else.

I liked the encore, sultans of swing, had a good meaning to the group.

ONly downside was my car getting keyed in the parking lot after the show, and having to "tip" the "friendly" neightborhood parking lot attendent. Only gave him two bucks, not as bad as MarcO getting the 10 dollar "car wash".

Detroit is something else. Lets go red wings chants after the show in the lobby, i screamed lets go leafs, got lots of dirty looks.

Didn't get the flag hung till setbreak, and when doing so was told by security to take it down cause i would be beaten up by americans on the floor. i told him if he didn't mind i'd take my chances.

i've read many american reviews of the show and quite a few people mentioned the hanging flag!

Well, i'm considering going back July 20, for page at the majestic theatre. does anyone know if the area is as rough as the fox. When i saw bobby at royal oak, it wasn't nearly as bad as the fox. Nasty, nasty detroit.

Well, thats all i can remember. I'm sure after i finish this bowl, more will come back to me.

Oh ya thirty minute plus money love and change in the first set!

6/07/02 Detroit SETLIST

by Paul Languedoc

Indianapolis, IN June 8 11:00

Set I

Night Speaks to a Woman


Money, Love and Change

Alive Again

Set II

Tube Top Flop

Last Tube

Ray Dawn Balloon


Noodle Rave Daddio


E: At the Gazebo

Sultans of Swing

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Ok done. [Cool][Cool] And yep, i remember more.

Kuroda, on the lights, as i recall, was non existant. Other than for a a few back drops and a few bright, light up the audience lights, it was much different than the previous trey shows. i guess the fox is to beautiful to worry about. i know i barely missed it at the show. ABSOLUTELY no rings, or swirls, or the other fancy CK5 tricks i've come to love.

Ummm, they ran out of beer near the beginning of the setbreak, lots of pissed off people in my line, i was luckily able to get a few. i do believe they did restock by the end of setbreak. the first set, i think, was only 50 minutes. kinda short. and a 45 minute setbreak. that i remember clearly. too many speculations on what trey could have been doin'.

Met some kidz who came from Memphis sitting behind me, and they actually told me i was crazy to drive from Toronto (i told them that was where i was from, cause no one knows hamilton) just to see trey. Yet they drove from Memphis. Americans are funny.

Crossing with four hippies into detroit we were scared to bring stuff so we devoured a whole loaf of banana ganga bread left over from frontier town, as well as ganga cup cakes and cookies. Wow was that fun.

Trey and his big ass, shit eating grin. 'nuff said.

Can't wait for Darien.

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sounds like you guys had a blast buddy.

Kristy broke her foot yesterday so I will be driving up to darien now and also cant wait to groove to trey.

By the way when are you leaving for the show.

were going the night before and camping, if you want to come up early and hang with us your more then welcome to.

Talk to ya soon or see you at the concert bro.

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Ah yes.... Trey Band. This was my 1st time seeing Trey without Phish and I loved it. Trey really did seem to be having the time of his life, and so he should! His band is FANTASTIC, and it was fascinating to see Trey lead them through their various changes, on the fly. MVP awards go to Grippo, Jennifer Hartswick and Cyro Baptista, all of whom were on fire, and whose stage presence lent greatly to the show. Basically, it was a good-time dance vibe mixed with some SERIOUS jamming. I mean, they opened up with "Night Speaks To a Woman", which I can't stand on the CD; imagine my surprise when I found myself really enjoying it. Imagine our further surprise when 15 minutes later, they were still playing it, and were just getting started! Four songs in the first set? Yes, please!! This was not a show where I walked out saying "oh, but they didn't do this, I wish they had played that", it kind of didn't matter what they were playing in a sense because everything was jammed out to the max, far away from the song structures themselves. Having said that, the "Last Tube" was phenomenal! Just a jamming blow-out with everyone giving their all. I believe it was in this tune that Trey just put his guitar down to indulge in a geeky dance, just digging on the groove. It made everyone feel so good!! Also, kudos to Russ Lawton for laying down such a solid groove for so long; this guy is more than earning his keep in this band.

The Fox Theatre is beautiful, ornate, plush. A real nice change from the usual bars and arenas I'm generally accustomed to. Wasn't hard to find, although parking took a while (yeah, right, I'm gonna give these two guys $10 to "watch" the vehicle in the free parking lot while we go to the show - yeah, sure [Roll Eyes][Roll Eyes] ). Personally, I thought the sound was good and the lights appropriate to the venue. The only down point to the evening for me, and I know I'm probably in the minority here, was the "Sultans of Swing" encore. IMO, a poor choice. Hey, I just think it's a bland song by a bland band so I wasn't jazzed to hear it, but c'est la vie. Nothing could have taken away from the previous three hours of excellent excellent music for me.

A great show. Hopefully, I'll see some familiar faces @ the New Deal on Thursday and MMW on Saturday. I like the Toronto SUmmer concert season because it means I get to see more of CyberHippie!! [big Grin]

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Originally posted below as Detriot Trey City:

Summer's comin and I got a review!

I'd never thought the first words out of my mouth coming out of a Trey Band show would be "Man, that flute solo was out of control"...

and yet it was.

The one thing that makes these Trey shows so good is with the number of different and EXTREMELY talented musicians, 9 times out of 10 you come out talking about the band and not Ernest G. himself.

Now to the highlights

- being front row of the mezzanine in easily one of the most beautiful venues I've ever seen - perfect view

- tight first set - huge jams - got there late missed "Night Speaks" (no big loss)

-second set - that Last Tube had to be 30min+ and like I said, the aforementioned flute solo and jam - killer

- love Jennifer - trumpet, singing and TUBA jammin

- Cyro Baptista is a Brazillian Tazmanian devil -really adds to the energy

-nice acoustic moments - I like the new tune Discern alot

- Encore - SULTANS OF SWING - unbelievably perfect

Some questions remain that some of you that were there can help out with:

Did I hear right during the band introductions that Trey introduced himself as Wilson?

What was on the hat that the kid gave Trey/that Jennifer wore?

Despite getting rear-ended on the way home (by some 20 year Trey head , no worries , all's fine) and the 7 o'clock am tee off time I had this morning, I'm still riding the vibe. Great things ahead for you Vermont show folks!

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