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War Sensitive Audio/Video Playlists


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From Chart Attack

During this not very fun time of war, all major music networks are being extremely careful about what music and videos they play in order to be sensitive to their audience. Among the most recent songs creating a hullabaloo for some reason is "Bandages" by Victoria’s Hot Hot Heat, which has just been axed from the playlist at BBC Radio 1 in the U.K.

Considering Britain is involved in the war on Iraq, the nation’s programmers are being especially careful about what they play. According to a NME.com, the song will not be played on the air because of how many times the word "bandages" is used in the song.

Yes, the offensive word is "bandages."

While the chorus of the song goes, "Bandages on my legs and my arms from you... Bandages/Up and down on my legs my arms from you... Bandages" the song is about a broken heart and has nothing to do with war. Regardless, according to the spokesperson, Radio 1 is attempting to be very sensitive to the expectations of the listeners.

Hot Hot Heat have not yet commented publicly on the matter.

"Bandages" was pulled from the B list on the station, which means it would have been played a minimum of 15 times a week to an audience of millions. The station has also recently pulled "Diamonds And Guns" by The Transplants from its playlist.

MTV Europe has also banned a bunch of songs from airing, and has issued strict guidelines to its staff telling them not to air specific videos because of either their song content, video content, or the title. Among the videos singled out in the guidelines are "I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing" by Aerosmith, Megadeth’s "Holy Wars," all videos by the B-52s, and the most obvious, "Bombs Over Baghdad" by Outkast.

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I like to think, that as long as the radio world is going down the toilet...the non-radio world is gettin' great!

I don't listen to the radio, nor do I even know what channel Muchmusic, music-plus, or MTV is at, on the dish.

However, I'm filled with killer music of my choosing all the time. Thanks to all of our live musician friends and tapers...and of course the internet!

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