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Cheese West


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Been totally debating making the trek west for Calgary and Vancouver Cheese. The Slip and New Deal make the decision easier but still dicey. Anyways hooked up free tics, press passes and after show and I'm still not for sure. It's just that they don't really mean anything to me.

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take a look at this opportunity from a journalistic point of view, kung. This is the opportunity to get behind the scenes and see if the cheese lives up to their reputation as ultra-spiritual yoga dudes. and drink free beer. You can take a look at the political infrastructure of their organisation, and drnk free beer.. you could tape a picture of the gnome from Labrynth to your face and pretend to be billy nershi.. ooops; mean. but the beer will be free. as i see it this is an invaluable chance to see what they are about backstage, (ie-reality).. and aint that your bread and butter? plus, i'd love to read your BC tour report.

also, we'll be in town friday night, and we can have a ripper. [big Grin]

plus the slip and the new deal?!! why are you looking for guidance here jackalope.. get your plane ticket.

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Come on out to Calgary Kung! should be a good time! if you come out for the 12th you have your choice of the New Deal, Leo Kottke and tri-continental (featuring

madagascar slim and lester quitsau) all in the same night. The 14th is the SCI show and there is "supposedly" a nero/tala seemless set show later that week? (can someone confirm or deny this please?thanks..) Do it up !!

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