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Question of the Day 10-24-02


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The Beatles. How do you feel about their music? Is it overrated?

My personal opinion is that they are to music what Shakespear is to literature. Shakespear's stories are the foundation for all modern story telling, whether it be in the form of books, television or movies. All stories can somehow be traced back to a Shakespear reference or compared to one of his writings.

The Beatles for me are the same. With such a huge body of work ranging from bubble-gum bop to psychedelic, they moulded what modern music is today and eveything in between. It was the Beatles that mixed politics and music, that crossed cultural barriers and brought other country's musical interpretations to the North American audience.

What is your opinion of the Beatles? Were it not for them, where might music be today?

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Here's a Shakespeare reference: "Thou that spelleth my name wrongeth must be a Beatles fan-eth."

Coudn't agree more about the Beatles though. So good. Highly underrated. People can't really see how good they really were because of all the hype surrounding them. The best ever, I'd say. (Though Zeppelin could kick their asses in the alley...)


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If it weren't for the Beatles, I'm not sure if I'd be playing guitar. But in a grander scope of things, I think that there was more to the beatles than just the Beatles.

The 4 were fantastic, but without the direction and production of George Martin, they probably would not have honed their skills or developed in the way that they did. He took his musical knowledge and classical experience and injected it into the Beatles.

As well, the snow ball of the Beatles Invasion in America only exploded a ton of bands that mimicked all that the Beatles were, to a lesser degree. That still happens, but with crappy bands and musicians being copied.

How many N-synch's are there, or girl-pop w/dancers?

The Beatles created incredible life-long lasting music that spans generations. I'm sure people will be listening and studying the Beatles a few hundred years down the road, much like our society does with Shakespeare, Mozart and Beethoven.

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My belief is that if you are interested in popular music of any kind, it pays endless dividends to familiarize yourself with the music of and careers of The Beatles and Bob Dylan.

There are hundreds of other things that should be investigated also but all roads lead back to those two.

I'll ramble about the Beatles shortly.... suffice it to say I don't think it is possible to over-rate them. Their body of work is unparalleled in quality and scope and their effect on the second half of the 20th century immeasurable. Giants.

I for one would love to hear some love for the "early" Beatles (pre-Rubber Soul). The sound of young, hungry, talented genuises playing so fucking well it hurts. Their first album "Please Please Me" is a desert island disc for me. It's rare that a week goes by where I don't dig into the Fab Four at least once.

Soul food of the Gods.

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