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Strange Phish Audio Appearance


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Hey -

I'm watching TV the other night - American Forces Network (AFN) (gimme a break, I only get 3.5 stations that broadcast in English!!). Instead of regular commercials, AFN gives "helpful" commercials that are supposed to make life in the armed forces easier. Examples include "Don't tip the vending machine", "What to do if you think someone in your unit is engaged in espionage (and how to tell the warning signs)", "Why alcohol abuse is bad", "What to do if you are captured by the enemy", "It is an offence under military law to criticize the president", and my personal favourite: "How to tell if someone around you is depressed and thinking about suicide" (one of the tips includes hearing them say things like "I just want to kill myself!" and "I wish that I was dead!".)

Anyway, a new "commercial" comes on, and the background music was the intro to PYITE - the first thirty seconds or so! I just about fell off of my bed; I mean, I've heard of Phish songs showing up in some unlikely places, put on the Armed Forces Network?!? Very strange. [big Grin][big Grin]


PS - even stranger, the next day I saw *another* new advertisement - this one had MMW's "Uninvisible" as the background music. There must be a hippie working at AFN... too bad there aren't some more in the armed forces - maybe they could keep Georgie out of Iraq! [Razz]

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Ahhhhh AFN, better than Fox.....

Hamilton, best head down Chongmyo road to Nam dae Mun market for a woof woof bulgogi and then head over to Itaewon for to get humpy-humpy love you long time shitfaced, but watch out for the MP's and also the puddles of puke on the sidewalks.... [Wink]

Is the vodka still cheaper than coke at the 7-11's?

I hope you have a large collection of CD's to tide you over for your stay!

Kamsa Hamnida

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Originally posted by Spudly:

Ahhhhh AFN, better than Fox.....

Hamilton, best head down Chongmyo road to Nam dae Mun market for a woof woof bulgogi and then head over to Itaewon for to get humpy-humpy love you long time shitfaced, but watch out for the MP's and also the puddles of puke on the sidewalks....

Is the vodka still cheaper than coke at the 7-11's?

I hope you have a large collection of CD's to tide you over for your stay!

Kamsa Hamnida

Vodka is cheap, but soju is cheaper still!

I haven't seen any woof-woof on a menu yet, but at least now I know where to look. The only bulgogi I've had yet has been beef... I think. Itaewon is like an insane asylum, so I fit right in. I've been on a CD-buying spree lately - the music store in COEX has pretty good selection, and I've got a discount card too. One of my goals while here is to learn how to use Shorten, so I can download cool stuff too!

Anti-American sentiment is running pretty high right now over here - or, at least anti-American miltary sentiment. Thank Jebus I'll never be mistaken for a GI... [smile][big Grin][smile]


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Yeah, I got a kick outta those propoganda commercials too. And I'm with you on the Soju (Soju boy...Oh my little Soju boy...), especially in the drinkin' boxes. Actually, I used to have a friend over there that would mail me Soju...no longer have that connection...wish I had a Soju connection...could send you my address...

Where do you stand on Kimchi?

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Originally posted by Velvet:

Yeah, I got a kick outta those propoganda commercials too. And I'm with you on the Soju (Soju boy...Oh my little Soju boy...), especially in the drinkin' boxes. Actually, I used to have a friend over there that would mail me Soju...no longer have that connection...wish I had a Soju connection...could send you my address...

Where do you stand on Kimchi?

I love kimchi! Especially kimchi mandoo... mmmm... maybe I'll go make some right now...


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