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Just incase anyone was planning on seeing this movie, don't! Save your money! It sucked ass!

It's pretty disapointing to see a heavy wieght like DeNiro in such a shitty movie. But it's not his first that's for sure. So in the spirit of shitty movies, what other shitty movies has DeNiro been in?

I'll start off with:

The Fan

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my worst ever was Heat- what a disappointment that film was...

best ever should include Raging Bull

and as far as comedy, he was hilarious in Midnight Run.


I think DeNiro's best comedy ( albeit a black comedy ) and one of his best films is Martin Scorsese's The King Of Comedy.

Another great role for Robert was in Sergio Leone's last film: Once Upon A Time In America. Watch the long version of this classic gangster film. DO NOT watch the short version.

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