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Lawyers in Toronto Area?


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that is the law society of upper canada website!

I spoke with someone and was advised to tell you that the best way to go about this is the website because criminal law has specialists....and you want someone who knows that specific area. Its hard to get recomendations....

so go to quick search at the top, hit find a lawyer, then scroll to Criminal law! You'll get a list of lawyers and some descriptions of what they specialize in. Tell whoever is calling that if they don't get a good feeling talking to the lawyer, go somewhere else....

Love ya sista


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Ed Greenspan is generally considered the best criminal litigator in the country. He's in T.O. Small office, big price tag, excellent results.

Aside from that you would really have to give some further details for a proper recommendation. People specialize in a lot of different things, and the amount that you were willing to spend would make a difference (not just on the lawyers fees, but on say a donation to MADD or something like that).

Shoot me an email and I can give you more if thats not enough to start you out. As for going to LSUC, thats a great idea, but you really can't beat a first hand recommendation. And the advice about making sure you feel comfortable is very good advice.

Good luck.

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