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now I've seen it all


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Truthfully I find this as appealing as a strip club,I don't go to strip clubs since it doesn't do anything for me but I also would make a joke about it if it were to arise.

I take larger offence in things like jokes about war,different cultures & races (of people),violence agaisnt women jokes (ala David Chappelle),human injustices or making fun of an individuals appearence more then some dumb old topless racing.May not be trival to some but to me in the big picture and scope of life to me topless racing is.

Although,if the women were tricked,blackmailed,forced against their will into racing I would not be having a laugh at this one bit,but since I have the right to laugh at the silly (somtimes stupid) things people do in their lives or participate in (by their own choice) I shall.I'm not judging anyone in this thread or the girls who deicded to race in that thing,but I am laughing at the whole thing.

People do dumb things,if we were to stop laughing at the stupid things,we wouldn't be having much fun any time in our lives,and laughing at this doesn't not perpetuate chauvinistic behaviour or support it anymore then laughing at Bush/Osama/Hussien/Hitler perpetuates war or their beliefs.

If ya don't like it ya don't like it.State your case and leave it alone,especially when you claim you can understand..

Understanding does not constitue support.Neither does having a laugh.

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hey now, chappelle does jokes about violence against men, too. and he does gay jokes. and kkk jokes. and black jokes. and white jokes. and he even combines them now and then. he's an equal opportunity jokester.


Perhaps.But I find his humor pathetic and childish.Although,I would never think of judging you or anyone else who finds humor in it,everyone laughs at somthing someone else will be offended by.I just don't watch it or participate in the threads that involve it.

I dunno,the whole wook #17 offends me greatly,as does the new guy that gets picked on now (Asian guy).I have stated that before,but some folks get a good laugh from it,so be it.To each their own.But I will not go off on those folks for doing so.

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