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Herbie Hancock Jazzfest rollcall and itinerary


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Guest Low Roller

What time is the Herbie Hancock show? I'll attempt to pry myself away from my textbooks and come out to the show tonight.

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Hey, did anyone make it out past the storm to see Herbie play?? how was it??

did you guys have a good turn out last night? we surprisingly did. I was expecting the place to be dead with everyone at Herbie but though it wasn't packed we had a good number of people in the place last night and they all stuck around until the end of the night.

We were supposed to wrap it up at 11:30 but the audience was still there and the energy was good so we did one more set and played until about 12:30..

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Jazzfest turnout was actually quite good. There was some funny moments when the lawnchair contingent was yelling at the crowd up fornt to sit down, and others were yelling back at them to keep quiet.

The show was top-notch despite the rain. Except now I have a cold.

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Haha, that's funny. Damn lawnchair people always killing it for us who wanna get into the music, it was like that at Scofield last year as well, how the hell can people sit down for music like that, jebus, so reserved these ol' jazz folks.

Yeah our Dekcuf show was great as well, really good turnout despite the Hancock and Rain Storms, good night, good sounds and energy. We did an hour set, the crowd seemed to really get into it, then this next band gets on and starts laying down some heavy sh!t like Korn or something and really freaked out our nice crowd, then the place began to clear. Note to self, play with bands that have some common musical grounds, better for the bands and better for the preople there who pay to enjoy it. None the less, a fun evening.

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Note to self, play with bands that have some common musical grounds, better for the bands and better for the preople there who pay to enjoy it. None the less, a fun evening.

I used to play in the quasi funk band and for some reason we got in really good with Eugene Haslam (this is back when he used to book for Barrymore's as well as Zaphods).

It was good for us because got lots of gigs, but bad for us at the same time because he usually paired us with bands that had nothing to do with funk.

I think the two strangest pairings we had was when we opened for Big Rude Jake doing this punk power trio kinda thing, and when he paired us with Carol Pope.. so strange.. so I know your pain

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