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Newborn Ghost Saves The Day!


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here's my little blurb on the new Wilco disc, A Ghost Is Born.

So, after a real sh!tty Saturday night, and a REALLY sh!tty Sunday, at work, I bolt early, pissed off, aggravated, irritated, on an empty stomach, sick of numbers, eyes buggin out from counting way too much, light headed, haven’t had drugs in over 15 hours, and well, you know, had just had enough. At the end of my rope, right. So, I’m headed dead fuckin’ southeast toward the mall, right, and all I NEED to do is find a music store and pick up the new Wilco disc, A Ghost Is Born. That happens. There’s no real climax here, I had just enough time to get the disc, went off without a hitch, and even the cute girl behind the counter managed to impress me when she didn’t bullshit me when I asked if she had heard the album yet; “No, I haven’t, but my friend says its stellar, which really means it’s probably ‘just alright’”. Even had time to get the bus, no problem. Easy ride, 25 minutes or so, then a few minute walk down the street to my apartment, a rare time I actually had change in my pocket ready to go, and about the only time there was not a bum around to ask for it. Talk about missed opportunity. Wrong place wrong time. Any others? I think that’s about it. So, up the stairs, unlock the door, in the apartment, drop my change and other various sh!t from my pocket on the change and other various sh!t table, and head for the cd player. Already opened the packaging and hammered through the lyrics on the bus…blah blah blah. Open drawer, place disc in, hit play. Drawer closes, disc begins, I sit down and roll a joint. Listening to the first few tracks I decide that so far it is exactly as I expected it to be: pretty damn good. I mean, I don’t think Tweedy is old enough to disappoint me yet. I’m not expecting, or even hoping, for another masterpiece here, this isn’t YHF, but it’s still anything but disappointing. I happen to like Tweedy’s guitar playing, and after seeing the band a couple times spread over a few years, I’ve noticed an improvement in his skills, and seen a sense of direction, and I appreciate that he’s allowed that to come through a little more on this album. Right off the bat I’m hearing some early Neil influences. Get to track 3 and I’m thinking to myself that maybe once upon a time ole Tweeds was strolling around thinking he’d like to try his hand at some technopop, happened to find his way into a Nero show, took some notes, and dropped it all into a big meaty stew, and the result was a bunch of Spiders, or, Kidsmoke, if you will. Oh, and generally speaking, the lyrics are a little more interesting with music behind them. And what about this musical marriage of Tweedy/O’Rourke? Now that’s a marriage I can fascinate myself with! I couldn’t give a fu©k who happens to be giving a ring to J.Lo this month. To be a fly on the wall in the collective heads of Tweedy and O’Rourke. Wilco as a band, and a sound, have “had it” for quite a while now, but add that element of O’Rourke, and “it” get a little weirder, in a very good way. That necessity of unnecessary sounds, the symphonic wall, textured, layered, oozing. That Drag City-esque stroke of genius. The song is the beneficiary; see Less Than You Think for an example of what I’m talking about. And, perhaps to a lesser degree, if only by influence, Wishful Thinking. When all was said and done, the song I wanted to go back to right away was Company In My Back; certainly one of the mosre interesting songs, to me, lyrically… it’s an interesting take on something . But that’s not it. It’s all of it together. The gem of the album in my opinion. So, I’ve been thinking about what makes a masterpiece, as I mentioned it in regards to YHF, and I suppose it’s a difficult thing to define. It’s a very subjective idea, to attach the term “masterpiece” to an album, or any art for that matter. I guess, part of the definition might have something to do with the perfection of it, as it relates to the album. Beginning and ending perfectly, given the context of what is in the middle. The whole being greater than the sum of it’s parts kinda thing. Maybe that’s part of it, maybe not, and I’m not quite sure if A Ghost Is Born is exactly that, at least not yet I’m not. But, it’s definitely an interesting and entertaining collection of quality songwriting, musicianship, and craftsmanship. It’s good for your ears.

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could do without the 10 minutes of feedback at the end of #14 though.

Tweedy himself said the inside joke is that the track is called "Less Than You Think".

I'm loving the new album. Although I do yearn for some flat-out Being There or Mermaid Ave style rocking.

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