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The Ladybird Sideshow returns to Hamilton this

Friday, July 30th with Mike Daley

@ The Pepper Jack Cafe

38 King William


Picture this: Four lovely gals. Four-part harmony. Expertly crafted tunes in a variety of genres. Pop, blues, funk, folk, soul - they are all in the mix. Add a dash of biting humour and witty stage antics. This is a talent stew. This is the Ladybird Sideshow.

In the summer of 2001 four Toronto-based singer/songwriter friends met to pool their contacts, ideas and talents with the intent of playing a few shows of in-the-round entertainment with one another. From this meeting grew an unexpected musical bond and amazing collaboration of four stunning natural forces. Erin Smith, Janine Stoll, Melissa McClelland and Lisa Winn respectively front their own solo or band endeavors, but decided to begin working with each other on a side project; The Ladybird Sideshow (formerly the Mother Folker Tour). The intent was not just to support and help further one another’s independent music careers, but it was also to learn from one another and bond through the music that they created together with natural ease. Over the past two years, the Ladybird Sideshow has performed throughout Ontario and across Canada from Vancouver to Halifax, released a limited edition compilation CD, and recorded together at Hamilton’s world-renowned Grant Avenue Studio. Each of these achievements have brought these four talented women closer as friends and musical peers. These achievements have not gone unnoticed by the public, as word is quickly spreading about their dynamic and charismatic live show.

The live show is a fully acoustic collaboration of earth-shaking voices and vast variety of original songwriting and musical styles. Expect to hear beautiful harmonies, heart-wrenching lullabies, driving rock tunes, cabaret oddities, country-tinged warbles, rippin' funk, and everything in between.

What’s in store for the future? The Ladybird Sideshow plan to do some touring through Europe and Australia in the future as well as do the summer folk festival circuit throughout Canada in 2004. Expect also to see a Ladybird Sideshow CD in the near future.

Cover $7.00

Showtime 9:30 pm.


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maybe i woke up on the wrong side of the bed today but what the heck?

why is this post headed The Lovely Ladies when the band is called the Ladybird Sideshow

and why does the description begin with 'picture this: four lovely ladies....'?!

well, maybe i know why, but it bugs me.

why don't boy bands start off their bios with 'picture this: four dudes who can't afford soap, let alone hot water for their monthly showers...' or 'picture this: three handsome well-dressed gentlemen....' ?!?!

maybe there would be more women out at shows if male bands started marketing themselves like that... oof course the girls that would come based on those descriptions would not necessarily be there for the music.... is that what the ladybird sideshow is looking for? dudes who want to see four lovely ladies?

being told that they are lovely by a promoter or manager or anyone else is not going to affect whether or not i go to see them. will it affect you?

knowing that there are women in the group i may be more inclined to see them as i do appreciate female musicians, cause i can relate to the female experience. but including mention that they are attractive kinda rubs me the wrong way. granted, lovely is a respectful enough word, but the concept i think takes away from the integrity of the promotion.


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i dont think KC meant it at all like that. i think he was going for more of the lovely music type of lovely, not come out and gawk at some beautiful* songwriters.

* i mean they write beautiful music, i love lisa winns songwriting, same goes for all of them.

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True, I knew putting lovely ladies would entice people in to reading the thread much easier then 'Ladybird Sideshow', which not everyone may be familiar with.

I had a feeling people might be bothered by that word but I did it anyway, well I learned my lesson and changed it back

Sorry to offend Earthfreak, but you said you knew the answer already.

As far as the begining "picture this..." start of the bio, I copied that straight from their website which the "ladies" themselves wrote and maintain on their website.

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in any case, each of these girls pack a wallop of talent (all have reasonably successful solo careers) and this will be a show to catch for sure...

(and they are lovely, in character, singing styles and how they present themselves... 4 nicer girls you would have trouble coming across... I don't see anything wrong with appreciating females for being female... if someone was advertising Thor I wouldn't see any problem with calling him manly or powerful, he is... seems like a non issue to me)

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hey kc - no worries - i wasn't really offended, i just noticed it and thought it was kinda weird. just pointing out the imbalance i guess.

and paisley - i have no problem with making people aware that they are female - like i said i may be more likely to go and see female artists because i can more closely relate, and i dig chicks that rock. it was the picture this, lovely ladies way of putting it that stood out to me.

i guess i'm on my way to change the title of my cuff the duke post ::

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