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Guest Low Roller

We will merrily accept your subcription to our FREE monthly newsletter. Each newsletter is jam-packed with jambands and their packs. Comes with a free pack of jam. So pack your jammies and jam your door with your backpack. It's jamming time! Ever listen to 2Pac?

However we do require proof of age, and a $500 donation to the Roller Fund for Expatriated Polish French-Canadians.

We excitedly await your application for the FREE newsletter!


The Management

(disclaimer: Completely ignore this maniac. His views do not express the views of any jambands.ca administrator or sane moderator. He has been missing doses of his medication apparently.)

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What the?

I've been doubting the sincerity or validity of friendships since I've moved to Ottawa and now I know why.

I appreciate it when people slam the people I love and something they have really worked hard on.

Thanks Andrew! and thanks to those who think what he said was "AWESOME".

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One person does not speak for a Forum, unfortunately, due to 'title' it seems like it is implied.

Considerations are being made regarding certain 'members' that have some 'authority' on the board. Disclaimers mean sh!t to me, personally. Regardless of how great LR is, posts like that are completely unacceptable as far as I am concerned. They perpetuate the opposite of solidarity.

I was hoping that pic of Richard Nixon would state my position, but the more wasted I get over the course of the weekend helps me realize how ambiguous it really is.

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Guest Low Roller


Hopefully those that know me well enough will realize that I'm a dumb idiot that sometimes says stupid sh!t. I can't change that. The only thing I'll apologize for is bringing the Jambands.ca name into this. That was unfair to Bouche.

That being said, I now consider this matter over. Next time I'll be more PC when talking about our friends over at Jamhub.


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