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Low Roller vs. PalacePrincess

Guest Low Roller

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Guest Low Roller

You have been a thorn in my side for far too long.

With Bunchies and Oompa Loompas on my side there is no way that your flying monkeys will able to defeat me. Admit defeat, and the lives of your precious monkeys will be spared.

Don't make me use my secret weapon (video will load).

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ha! your video worketh not, but aye scoundrel, i am up for the challenge. my monkeys are turning your loompas into oompa paté as we speak, and as for bunchies, the gelantious creature has been pressed into a jelly mold, ready for insertion of marshmallows & cool whip, voila and dessert for my hungry primates.

high atop the mouldy festering cavern you dwell in hovers a helicopter, ready to drop down with one of my most eeeeeeevil task forces. in about 20 minutes, you will be treated to a LIVE (as in no synching of lip) performance by the one and only new kids on the block. they will assault your ears with their tone deaf warblings, and you will be soon be twitching on the ground with pain at their talentless choreography...oh it has so been brought'n. heh heh heh heh heh


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Guest Low Roller

The engineer who screwed up the video has been fed to the mutated sea bass that live deep within my lair. He was my cousin. If I'm willing to do that to my cousin, just imagine what I will do to your precious monkeys. The video should work now...

As for your elite squad of boy-toys, they will be easily defeated when I distract them with a lucrative solo recording contract. They will tear each other apart to get to said contract, and I won't even need to lift a finger.

Your offensive is laughable. My Oompa Loompas are mighty, and your flying monkeys have fleas. The outcome should be fairly obvious.

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ahhhh, you lie, i have received word from the monkeys, they are presently using the leftover loompa bones for oopma soup!

but CURSES! of course, the solo recording contract trap! ah, i should have known the new kids would never be match for an enemy with power of your calibre. i shall call out the big guns now, and deliver an attack which will hit deep in your weakness. the siren will tempt and tantalize and leave you in a puddle of jelly. without further adieu, i present:


(evil cackle)

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Guest Low Roller

Blast you and your female powers of persuasion! You managed to get me glaring at some top-boob while humming "Toy Soldiers" for a brief instant, but I have broken the siren's spell by picturing what she probably looks like in the year 2004.

However seeing how you have pinpointed my weakness, I cannot allow this to escalate. It is time to mount my own attack on your fortifications. Your Maginot Line cannot stand the allmighty strength of BACON!


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(homer eating doughnuts noises) mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......baaaaacconnnn

ah, i must tear my eyes away before i slip in my own drool! curses, to hit me where it hurts, with the pork products!

(taps fingers together) the tempting of pork has weakened me but i will not admit defeat. sleep with both eyes open roller of low, i shall strike with furious vengeance. until now i bid adieu with the deadly polkadotted snapper fish! take that!!!!!


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