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College Student Alcohol Related Death


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Officials: Dead Woman Had Up to 40 Drinks

A 19-year-old college student drank up to 40 beers or shots of liquor in an 11-hour period before she was found dead in a fraternity house, investigators said Friday.

...[she] drank the equivalent of 30 to 40 12-ounce beers or 1-ounce shots of liquor...

Kinda scary... 30 beers over 11 hours is still more than I can drink but it's not *that* much is it??

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The morning after Booche's stag party, I felt like I was going to die - I'm not kidding. I drank a Bubba of Canadian, wine and some Guiness the night of the party. I suffered from what I thought to be severe dehydration. I thought I was going to have a heart attack and I was close to blacking out.

I'll bet that that poor girl didn't consume anything BUT beer and other alcohol for her entire binge - food must not have been around either. Plus, drinking is killer for high blood pressure and breathing in general. She was probably a rookie drinker too, which doesn't help matters. A sad story.

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ya it is "that" much...

she drank approximately 3 or so drinks an hour for eleven hours. If I drank 9 drinks in 3 hours I would be totally swilly (I'm a 5' 11' female-taller than average, she was probably not so tall)add 3 drinks and hour for an additional 8 hours I would not be awake to tell--but I could never consume that much because my body would reject it probably by the 10th or so drink(porcelin bus) but I cant see myself drinking that much anyway.

Maybe not so much for a larger guy who has a alcohol tolerance, but how much of a tolerance could a 19 year old american female have in her first year of college...so sad.

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I, also was only commenting on Ollies comment(although I did read the article) and then comparing it to myself.

opps, ya, and compared it to a guy who may be able to drink more--cause generally, guys are bigger than girls and subsequently can consume more alcohol. Although I have in my time, seen a few girls who can drink many a dude under the proverbial table.

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I, also was only commenting on Ollies comment(although I did read the article) and then comparing it to myself.

My mistake

Maybe not so much for a larger guy who has a alcohol tolerance, but how much of a tolerance could a 19 year old american female have in her first year of college...so sad.

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ya it is "that" much...

For me it is too. But I know people who polish off a 2-4 with ease, and in much less than 11 hours, so it brought home the reality of the situation. I'm sure there are a ton of other extenuating factors we're not aware of at this point but I still find it a little sobering.

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as far as guys being able to consume more alcohol...it has to do with body chemistry too. it's not just muscle/fat it's also the enzymes your body makes to break down sugars and such. men generally have more tolerance than women because their bodies are able to break down the alcohol more effectively. the rumour is that asian folk and indians(no offense, just don't care for PC terminology...if you have a better suggestion, feel free to call me whitey) also have fewer of these enzymes and that's why the stereotypes come out.

personally, the most fun dude i ever saw drunk was this japanese exchange student back when i was in high school. he was absolutely ridiculous. more dramatic than the average crazy girl when hammered. totally jokes. we found him lying on the floor near the elevator when we were in cleveland crying about how this girl was driving him mad and how he was in love...great situation.

when i was in quebec on a breakaway tours trip there was this kid from st.thomas ontario that died in his sleep the first night out from alcohol poisoning. in my hotel. totally crazy.

i guess people are often dissatisfied and need to get more wasted.

i say we need to find a way to bring back acid. it'll make you crazy but not kill you if you have too much...i'd rather be crazy than dead, eh??

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