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Clear Channel Venue Recordings Mess!!!

Irie Guy

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I'm sure most of you know that Clear Channel has decided to start recording shows in their venues and offer Joe Public a SBD copy of the show immediately after. that in itself might not have been a bad thing but it now looks like the bands themselves won't have any rights to their own music.

(forwarded message from a friend of a friend follows):


An interesting tidbit: the Donna The Buffalo show was the first show I

attended at which Clear Channel (scum) was using its Instant Live system by

which, for $15, you could buy a double CD of the show you just attended as

you left the club (although I assume this is $15 a band, since each band

played for more than 80 minutes). And, as an example of how predatory Clear

Channel is, it is now a standard feature of all Clear Channel contracts

that the bands are not allowed to make soundboard recordings of their own

shows (i.e. what was once the band's property - the recording of the

musical performance - is now the property of the band and Clear Channel.

Pearl Jam ain't gonna like this).


So Clear Channel wants to OWN the SBD recordings that occur on its premises.

They really are the evil empire.

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Yeah well they and everyone else are on top of it-Phish was the first to put it in action but it's been in the making for awhile now...

I was contacted for a job opportunity with these guys, basically doing the same as what Phish does with their shows...


Sheesh i remember when 'bootlegs' were hard to get and really pissed some artists/bands off...now they are being forced into it without any rewards still...

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An interesting (and potentially disturbing) situation. On one hand, it is totally cool that it is possible to distribute high quality recordings of live shows. I love listening to live music, and to recordings of live music! But wow, this should ultimately be a band decision, and some of the money made should most definitely find its way into the band's hands.

Many people have talked about the fact that new technology (i.e. digital recording and the internet) has the potential to shake up the music industry by making it possible for a band to get music to its fans more quickly and easily than ever before. Some people, including myself at times, have applauded this as a way to reduce the monopoly power that large (record) companies have over the industry.

But lest we forget, large companies also have the resources and power to exploit the new technology.

I wonder what Robert Fripp would have to say about all of this?

Peace, Mark

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If the band's don't get money from the recordings, and lose all rights...who in the hell would even want to play at the venue?

What good does it do to a live-based band to play at a venue where their music will not be freely available to the ears of future listeners?

Tungsten...you had the opportunity to record dudes like this guy and passed it up?


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The big problem is that Clear Channel Entertainment has been busy buying up a majority of the major venues throughout the States. If they can't buy it they build their own. For those that don't know Clear Channel also owns the majority of Radio Stations in the US. They have been scooping them up ever since the Monopoly rules were changed for American Broadcast Owners.

The trick is if you don't play a Clear Channel venue or us Clear Channel to promote then you will have a real hard time advertising your show on the Radio. There have been a lot of problems in Denver with this same issue.

For a list of Clear Channel venues see below.


For some more info on what Clear Channel is doing to the in Denver see here.


Be Sad, Be Annoyed, Be Angry. From what I understand SCI on this current tour have made it a point to not play CC venues.

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