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Nero/Contact last night


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lotsa fun last nite at ole PJC Hamilton.. great to see folks came from all over, but where were all the hamilton folk???

anyways, big thanks to the bands for rippin' it up last nite... anyone goin to the show tonite in toronto is in for a real treat.

(ps: sorry we didnt make it back to guelph to hang out for a bit, but i really just needed to sleep... 9am came real early today... next time)

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i have no idea what order they were in, but i can tell you what i remember... Condor... 401 Theme... im thinkin maybe a Breakline... luke's wish?... Tube... and obviously some others... pretty sure it was recorded, not sure by who though... i thought they played a really solid set.

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i think weirdness was taping.

there was a medicated also in there, and a little something in the middle of condor that i didn't recognize.

perhaps a mikomard too, not sure.

where were the hamiltonians indeed. kudos to seeing paisley and esau there. great to see you again greg its been too long.

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Carl was taping too.

contact, meh, not really the sound i was into.

freakin good thing the tapers got nero covered. that was a wicked show.

good times in hamilton - pepper jacks is a nice spot for sure. good to see so many south-western ON freeekz too. that 2 hour drive is nothin when it ends with big smiles nice hugs sweet brews and heavy jams. ...that town hasn't seen the last of this moose.

i'm only sorry i can't be in TO tonight. have fun folks.

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I think you're all pretty close to the setlist. I never know what the fu©k they're playing and really I only like when they play covers. I had to call in some major points for that Tube, but as if they were throwing me a bone- they were throwing all of us a bone. See ya tonight. Like a couple of hours from now.

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Very fun, Very fun indeed. But dad I was going to go to town and get some power converters. Big ups to all the fine friends I was lucky enough to hang with last night. I had a great time and can not wait for Utica next week. Contact was a nice suprise (night rider theam was pulp) thanks again for all the hospitality there are to many fine folks for me to list. I was totally perma grin all night and then I went downstares at guelph's. Hulk Homer thats just crazy.

Ps. Thanks for the turkey bags my lungs felt great this morning.

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Benny it was good having you up hanging with the inner sanctum. God knows we know what it's like to clear the border dry and hoping for all hope that some kind stranger's gonna have the 'hook up'. Just don't get Todd to do your sourcing for you cause everyone thinks he's a narc. But seriously you've got a good head on your shoulders kid and tell Molly the Samurai room with the vapo connection kicks the motherfugggin' HoJo's ass. Straight up.

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