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Acousti-Cats, Thursday, PJC


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Hey hey hey,

The Acousticats will be playing this Thursday at Pepper Jack's.

Apparently, Ricky from Diesel Dog will also be joining them. (good thing I read the Diesel Dog thread as it was news to me)

Door $5.00

Pepper Jack Cafe

38 King William, Hamilton


ps, Fat Cats/Diesel Dog on Halloween.

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yea! tonight is thursday, there simply is not enough fat cats in my life. (acoustic or otherwise) now i have to walk the fine line of being drunk enough to lose the inhibition so that i can get my ass on the dance floor and not too schwilly so that i am all hungover at work tomorrow.

ooooooohhhh, nobody knows the trouble i've seen, nobody knows but jeeeeeesuuus.

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I may show up...

I am possibly working anywhere from 12-14 hours tomorrow 150 ft up (all day) around live wires (250 KVA) so gettiong drunk is not the best of ideas for me tonight,but I'd love to get out of the house for awhile tonight and since I've behaved all week while watching my buddies house,his 160lb rotti and 12 year old pitbull/border collie I think I need some out time.

Might just see ya'll there.

Hey Paisley,

Pre shows drinks perhaps? (dogs outside ;) ) I'll call ya when I get back to Brians.

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Hey Essau, I guess you did see that the acousties are playing.

We will be watching the American Presidential debate at pj's before the cats.

CHTV will be there so if you watch it and wish to comment on how the cadidates faired, here will be your chance. Seriously.


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"Well, up until now I've been, like, totally anti-Bush, I mean his policies and everything, like whoa, ya know. Some people I know, like, say stuff about the environment and, like, Vietnam and stuff so it made me think the same way mostly. But then, after seeing the way President Bush stands there staring, then talking, like my grandfather or a general or something, and he keeps saying the same thing, and then all of a sudden, he like, says something different, its like... well, you know... kind of makes me proud. It makes me sorta dizzy, in a wierd sort of a way. Its like he's talking right to god, like our god, not that terrorist god. Then its like he's staring down those terrorists and foreign people right through the camera, like he's on the front lines, leading our troops into the battle for freedom. Its like whoa. Like, why would Kerry want to be lose the war when we didn't start it. Its like he doesn't want to stop terror and keep America the best. Does he like, like terror or something? I heard he wouldn't even fight in Vietnam and was a traitor. All the other soldiers, like, hated him and stuff."

practicing my speech

no time for pre-drinks Esau, got a few things to do then am heading straight for the PJC

alright Bokonon representin!

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holy schnikes, that was neat and i have to say, that was a barrel of monkeys! esau and company, fu©k YOU! :)(i think we should change this to the new standard canadian greeting. oh nice to meet you fu©k YOU! ) and thanks for the drinks, even if i did cover myself in tequila. paisley, your thoughts on librarians were quite entertaining and i'm glad you came out.

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Great night all around.Really enjoyed seeing the congas up there,mostly I loved hearing them during Sweet sisters of fate,I'd say it was all Fat Cats originals with exception of some Dylan and perhaps somthing else,but what a great setlist of old school tunes (which I sorta recall).Even got a couple birthday shots after they wished me happy birthday for some reason,funny sh!t.

I love showing up at Fat Cats shows and running into friends I haven't seen in many years.Awesome to see you out in steeltown Matt,keep in touch.

I even made it into work today,imagine that.

esau and company, fu©k YOU! :)(i think we should change this to the new standard canadian greeting. oh nice to meet you fu©k YOU! ) and thanks for the drinks, even if i did cover myself in tequila.

Did we do tequila shots together? My memory is really hazy,I know I had a few jagers but don't seem to recall tequila.

Always a pleasure seeing ya though. ::


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