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this may be inane, but probably not harmful to your health.

so, i've got some broccoli. it was good when i bought it (i think that was just a few days ago) and now it's okay, but it's all limp. bendy. wobbly. blah.

how do i keep my broccoli from going limp?

(insert innuendo here )

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trying changing the dial in your fridge to a colder setting. if there's anything i've learned from all the apartments i've lived in is that super cold fridges are WonderFridges & keep veggies & other things fresh WAY longer than you'd even think they'd last.

how cold does beer get in your fridge? my dad taught me that's the best way to tell if your fridge is cold enough, by how cold it makes the beer. :D so if your beer doesn't get super frosty, you may need to turn the temp. down. but if it does, you may need to find a new broccoli supplier. ::

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broccoli and many other veggies will do that in a frusteratingly short amount of time. to rejuvinate the crispiness in your veggies, soak them in water in the fridge overnight. don't leave them in the water for too long in the fridge though, (as in several days) bacteria might spread in an environment like that, especially if your fridge isn't that cold.

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you can also fill your sink (after cleaning it!) with water that is just slightly colder than room temp. soak your veggies (broc, cilantro, lettuce, celery, etc) for about 20-30 mins then put in your fridge uncovered untill the water is mostly evaporated...then make sure your keep lettuce and such in a crisper or in a bag that can air out a bit...tips from a former produce guy :)

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