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Mr. Something Something ... two thumbs up!

mark tonin

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Saw Mr. Something Something last night at the Lancaster Tavern in Kitchener ... second time I've seen them, and wow, what a wonderful band! Organic music with an African tribal feel that makes me want to dance. Great rhythm section, wicked horns, sweet vocals and harmonies that start from deep inside the soul, and lots of fun to watch.

Thanks for putting this show on Ian ... it was a wonderful birthday party for you and Leslie.

Only caught the last bit of Contact's opening set, but what I heard sounded really solid.

Peace, Mark

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I second that motion!

Holy jesus farting christ! Mr. Something Something blew my mind last night. I've seen them before, but last night was by far much better. Thank you for playing such a long set guys. I had a good time up in K-town. Thanks so much for the hospitality QQC, schwa & thorg, the late night swim was especially fun. Tigger it was good to chat with you buddy. See all you kids soon!

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i agree on that one too, i've seen this band 3x and the last time [last weekend] was definitely the best i've seen them, a ton of great energy in the air! ewan [sp?] reminded me of mick jagger the way he was runnin around and jumping on and off stage!

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My bad. I took a long ass time and when we got back to Puppe Palace everybuddy else seemed too tired an'sh!t so I had a beer to wait for some energy from them, never came. Ended up drunk at sunrise havin'fun.

I'm super sorry to everybody at the real afterparty for the absence after all the hype. I'm a wanksta. Thanks again to Anti-and the boys for throwin the shindig after and thanks to both bands for great performances and for their patience with the sound issues.

Great show! And an awesome time to see so many of my friends havin so much fun at my party. :)



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