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Fahrenheit 9/11 out today on DVD/Video 10/5


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I just picked up my copy of Fahrenheit 9/11 today at BestBuy for $26.99. I hope this film coming out on DVD nearly a month before the elections helps to push John Kerry over the edge to the presidency.

Also I picked up Michael Moore books "The Official Fahrenheit 9/11 Reader" and "Will They Ever Trust Us Again? Letters From The War Zone" at Indigo.

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There are a couple Best Buy's in Ottawa, one near St. Laurent Mall and one on Merivale, but the DVD is priced the same ($26.99) at HMV, Future Shop, and I imagine at smaller stores as well. And if it's convenience you're after I saw the DVD for $29.99 at 7-11 last night.


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