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Parole Denied


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Can't say I'm disappointed thats for sure,he is the only person I truly hate.I hope he rots in jail.fu©k him.


John Lennon's killer loses parole request

Attica, N.Y. -- Mark David Chapman, the 49-year-old who killed John Lennon, will remain in prison for at least two more years after being denied parole yesterday because of the "extreme malicious intent" he showed in gunning down the former Beatle in 1980.

Mr. Chapman has been in prison more than 23 years for shooting Mr. Lennon outside his Manhattan apartment building as the musician returned from a recording session. His next appearance before the parole board will be in October, 2006. AP


John Lennon assassin Mark David Chapman again denied parole

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Don't get me wrong I hate all sorts of people (hell some of them are even on this board) but I really think he was sick. I guess I'm saying that if we are to live up to the legacy that Lennon bequeathed us then we must forgive Mark David Chapman. I don't even know if John would hate the man.

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"he is the only person I truly hate"

I have said this about MDC before, but now I'm not so sure.

How many people go down for 23 years for murder in the US...a single murder, with no priors? But he murdered Lennon! If someone murdered my mom or dad or brother they wouldn't be in jail for 23 years without parole.

All I'm saying is it ain't fair. We all know the OJ Simpson case was unfair because the accused was a celebrity. Here we have a case that isn't fair because the victim was a celebrity.

If you think one is wrong, I guess you gotta think both are wrong.

Plus, the guy was insane, right? Thought he was John Lennon and even signed out of his last day of work as John Lennon. Just a guess, but I'll bet his prison term has been especially unpleasant too.

On the other hand, maybe he's safer in jail?

I will mention that I've quit smoking today, and I have been known to go temporarily insane (especially in posts) when I'm off the 'backy, so I may not have a clue. I can't tell.

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No disagreement here Velvet.

Doesn't mean I don't still feel that way about him,even if he got out.

Maybe others are safer he's in jail still to.

With him admitting he did it to get attention who is to say he wouldn't just kill another prominet figure in society once all the attention of his release fizzles out and he feels like more attention?

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