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Festival Express showing in Ancaster


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ya, was thinking that... where there's a will there's always a way.. was arguing it out of my head as with all the shows this weekend and next I'm pretty sure I can't afford it (which really sucks as I haven't seen it yet)

(still think it'd be a funny place to see it ::)

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It's a must see music doc.

There was one dude on this site that complained that the performances filmed didn't capture the artists at their live best ( excluding Janice ). This is true to some extent, however The Band were definitely " on " and The Dead may have been average, but they were truly fascinating to watch, especially for Pigpen. Janice was soulful, compelling and fu©king flirty beautiful throughout Festival Express.

I'd argue that NO music documentary except maybe for Hendrix, Janice and Otis's segments at Monterey captured artists at their peak live best: Gimme Shelter recorded a sloppy, drunk Stones; Monterey saw The Who perform with inferior sonic amplification; Hendrix and The Who have both played better than they did at Woodstock etc...

My point is, SEE THIS fu©king FILM. It deserves a place next to all the " other " famous music documentaries.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a reminder that this film is showing tomorrow! I'll be heading over with my Dad, hehe. Yeah the silver city parking lot is dodgy for smoking but where theres a will theres a way!

I think its $8 tomorrow. It's gonna be great to see this film in a high quality facility like that! (sound & picture wise)

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