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Van Morrison - Toronto 09-03-2004


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Not sure how many people are interested in this,but I found the show up for download.

I had a great time there and enjoyed the show myself,although I know many folks were left feeling let down or disappointed since he didn't kick out all the radio favourites.But for those who enjoyed it,here you go.Enjoy once again.

Van Morrison


Not sure if your a bit torrent users or not so if you aren't and want a copy just say so and I'll burn a copy for you in an hour when its done.


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thanks esau,

i enjoyed the show, but was at the back of the lawn and found it a bit quiet back there. for the most part, i disliked the crowd, but the music was just fine.. cant wait to have a listen without 20 seniors telling me to sit down :) cheers. and bokonon, perhaps i can get you a copy one day. i do live in your town... or is it the other way 'round? currently, i have no blanks though.

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Yeah questcequecest? I agree,there was alot of chatter during the show,I was at the back on the lawns, left side (looking at the stage),we had these folks behind us talking non-stop,even had a spell of screaming to a friend who couldn't hear them anyway for a few minutes.Thats when I went for another beer.

Whatcha gonna do I guess.


If your going to be in steeltown this weekend at GTB/JSB I can have a copy for ya then,I just grabbed another hundred blanks tonight.I don't want any money for it though.A smile will be enough. ;)

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Hey Greg, Yes you're right I'm not an active user yet on bit torrent, if the offer still stands I would really appreciate it if you burned me a copy.

I had a great time at that concert! So much so that if Van "The Man" Morrison was playing the next night in Buffalo or another town I would have been there.

Thanks in advance, Tim

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I'll have it burned in 10 minutes.I'll bring it with me tomorrow to Pepper Jacks,if I don't see you,maybe maybe I'll see Rach and can pass it along to her if you want?


Tomorrow night at Pepper Jacks.I'll make you a copy as well either way.For the next time we cross paths,maybe sunday if I go and I guess if you go.

I've listened to half of it and it is a good audience recording,although there is a couple spots where the chatter gets a bit loud.Hopefully a better source will arise but for now this is a fine recording.


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oh wait, i mean the wedding is friday and we might go to jomomma on saturday and st. catherines on sunday, if my pouting works well enough. i doubt we will do all of that, money is still a little tight, and i have to start fu©king christmas shopping. blllaaaahhhh, i hate christmas!

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