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What's that sh!t at the So Good called- Sweetheart Eggplant. Would be hard to make without a fryer but that sh!t's bomb ass. Try marinating and grilling eggplant- can do wonders. Or marinate, grill and then make into an eggplant parmesgan. Sweeeet. On another note did you know that melanzana (as in Penne con Melanzana) the Italian word for eggplant is a racial slur, hence goombahs calling blacks eggplants.

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cut up your eggplant into nice cubes, peeled if you wish, throw into a freaking hot wok with the protein of your choice (I actually like tofu with this, peanuts work well also) and cook down with some chili-garlic sczechuan (sp?) sauce. I also like green peppers here. take off heat and pour directly down the front of your pants. serve it on some nice rice. It's delicious!

also, just cut into thick-ish rounds and liberally brush with some olive oil and your favorite herbs and grill it up, plain and simple. do this also with asparagus at the same time and you can invite me over for lunch anytime, thanks.

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sometimes I do, sometimes not. I like the appearance of the skin.

occasionally, the skin is just too thick to be palatable, for me.

not as healthy, obviously, but eggplant is also nice done tempura style, where it is battered and deep fried. worth trying every once in a while.

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Ahh, my favorite is greek eggplant steaks!

Cut an eggplant into 1cm rounds, lay out on a oiled baking pan.

Brush each lightly with olive oil

Bake for 5 minutes at 375, flip, oil again, bake another 5 minutes

Flip back over, coat each one with a thin layer of tahini, then top with a thick slice of tomato

Bake for 6 or 7 minutes

Pull out, and coat each piece with a piece of mozza cheese. Sprinkle on some oregano. Bake til cheese is melted to your satisfaction...


I like to serve this with rice and lentils, greek salad, hummus and pita, etc. It's one of my favorites :)

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The only time eggplants are squeezed of their water content is when they are used as filling in particular for something like an enchilada or anything in a soft wrap. There is a ton of water in eggplants and if you are cooking off a lot you can anticipate a good deal of run off and hence sloppiness depending on what you're doing with them.

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MMmmmmmm Baba Ganoush

1 med. eggplant

1/4 cup lemon juice (or less)

1/4 cup tahini

1–2 galic cloves (or powder to taste)

1 tsp olive oil

salt (optional)

parsley (optional)

Preheat oven to 400. Pierce the eggplant with a fork a few times and bake for about 40 min or until tender and somewhat deflated. Mash, chop, or puree the eggplant depending on how you want it. Then add the other ingredients. Serve at room temperature.

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