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Kevin Smith's dream comes true...


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Kevin Smith rules. I got to meet Joey Jeremiah (pat mastro-bueno ?)at Zaphods one drunken night..

Doesn't everyone have a "I met Joey Jeremiah at Zaphods" story?

Whenever I watch repeats of the original series I can't help but think how depressing everything is. The parents were made out to be especially miserable bastards.

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no sh!t huxy! although we may be in luck:

"Is Degrassi available on DVD or video?

The first three seasons of Degrassi: The Next Generation will be released on DVD and VHS in the USA in the Summer of 2004. Plans are also underway to release the first season of Degrassi: The Next Generation in Canada as well as releasing Degrassi Junior High and Degrassi High on DVD. There are no dates for release in other countries at this time. Stay tuned for updates!"

and it looks like degrassi jr. high episodes were released on vhs in 1988.


One of my first times at a bar when I was 19, and guess who I run into. I did a shot at Bar Code with Wheels! I didn't introduce myself or embarrass him, I just called him over to the bar and handed him a shot of Jager.

so, how did you call him over, did you actually say "hey wheels!" (oh that would be so awesome if you did! ::)

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heeheehee, and when we do, DEGRASSI VIEWING PARTY AT MY HOUSE! everybody has to come dressed as a character.

oooooh, i wonder what special features they will include?! deleted scenes???? cast interviews? a behind-the-scenes making of???????

(:: i am WAY too addicted to special features... just yesterday i bought a movie on dvd that i already own on vhs JUST because the special features on the dvd included "extended dance sequences!" and footage on the making of the movie. heehee)

and ahess, "would've been a lot cooler if ya did" haha, just kidding. that's still awesome. as if you chugged jager with WHEELS!

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