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Greatest best of seven series ever?


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One of the greatest series I've ever seen in any team sport that is has the best of seven game format.

I've grown up a Toronto Blue Jays fan and have hated these two teams my whole life . The only thing is I've hated the New York Yankees more than any other team in baseball or any other sport for that matter.

That hatrred for the New York Yankees has developed an attitude, that I love to hate the Yankees and see them lose. To see the Boston Red Sox be the first team in Major League Baseball history to come back from a 3-0 deficit and win the series, was only sweater because it was against the Yankees.

Just to say though the curse is still on the Red Sox until they win the World Series, so they still have to beat, the Houston Astros or St. Lous Cardinals. I can't believe that series either. What a year for baseball playoffs!

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Why do you hate the Yankees? just curious - I'm not a big baseball fan.

Tons of reasons. One easy reason is that they are a rival of Toronto. Also, they have by far, the most money and resources in baseball. If they want a player, they buy him. No other team can afford the players that they have. The Yankees are both good and bad for baseball because they are repeatedly the team to beat, and are almost unbeatable. The Yanks do a poor job of developing talent as a result of their buying prowess. Their minor league system has little to no good players. How could it? Any young player with any talent will probably get traded so the big team can load up on high priced players. Don't be surprised if Carlos Delgado from Toronto gets signed by the Yanks for huge money next year.

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Why do you hate the Yankees? just curious - I'm not a big baseball fan.

I hate the New York Yankees because they are bad for the sport of baseball. Since there is no cap on payroll in Major League Baseball the Yankees have a payroll of over $185 million dollars. Most teams in MLB payroll are a third of that.

Therefore real competition between big market and small market teams is a joke. It is a miracle that the Minnesota Twins have made the playoffs over the past two years, though they got knocked out by the Yankees both years.

That being said the Yankees are not the only team that does buys their teams. The Boston Red Sox have the second largest payroll, and other teams in big markets spend a lot.

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Go Houston or St. Louis. Red Sox are my second least favourite team.

Hey Jaimoe, I agree with you completely. I hate the Red Sox too, the only time I like them is when they're playing the Yankees.

I too hope the St. Louis Cardinals win because of Larry Walker.

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