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cool documentary on gypsies


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i got this movie out of the library just to check out a small part of my cultural heritage and man, was i impressed with the quality of the movie! it's called Latcho Drom, which translates to safe journey. it shows gypsies from all over the eastern hemisphere starting in india and going on to romania, poland, france and hungary. there is no host or narrator, it is shots of gypsies doing normal everyday gypsy things and the only english in the film is subtitles of the lyrics of some of the songs that are sung. it didn't need anything else, the ideas were expressed so thoroughly through the portrayal of common customs and activities. this was one of the coolest things i have ever seen.

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have a tape kicking around somewhere of Rembetika music... hauntingly beautiful style of music made by Greek drug addicts, sailors and prostitutes from over a century ago... sad but resolute and hypnotic tunes... the tape I have was recorded by an anthropoligist who travelled the world recording ethnic music on early devices (pretty clunky work, would take 3 people to just carry in the recording device and the wax cylanders or whatnot)

really beautiful stuff, have had the tape and enjoyed listened to it for almost 20 years... always find the modern renditions of rembetika I come across quite disappointing by comparison

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