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It's official : We're Moving!

Rob Not Bob

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I haven't mentioned it before because I didn't want to jinx it : Fiona and I are going to be moving at the end of December to the place where our friend Michelle is living currently. It is on 258 Bronson here in Ottawa, and while being slightly more than our current place it has many advantages over our current, the two most important ones being that it is on the ground floor (a big factor as Fiona's back has been giving her a lot of trouble lately) and it is *much* bigger than our current place. Just want to ask a few things of the good folks here on the board :

1) One of the things that won't be making the trip with us is the loft bed in our second bedroom. As we will be getting a second futon, along with our main bed, futon and camping bed, we just don't need the loft bed anymore. If anyone is interested in buying it, please get in touch ... it's great for people who need more floor space where they live. It was purchased at Ikea, it is very solidly built and in great condition, it's just surplus to our requirements right now. It's called a Tromso, it was originally $249.00, we are asking for $100 or best reasonable offer. Here is a picture of it :


2) Secondly, with the move we are looking for boxes and other containers to help with the move. Does anybody have any they are not using and could donate to the cause? Also, does anybody have any suggestions as to where/how to acquire containers for moving? Any help and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

3) Finally (and we all knew this was coming), I'm begging for help with the move. I will explain the set up : our friend Michelle will be moving out of her current place on the 6/7th of December. The landlord will then be doing some repairs on a couple of the rooms before we move in. However, we have the all clear to move some of our stuff into the rooms he is not repairing. We are going to have one or two moving parties on the weekends of the 11th and 18th (no more than one move per weekend). We will not be moving any furniture on the moves, that will be done by a moving crew when we finally move in on the 26th, it will only involve moving boxes of books, Cds, dishes, etc. etc. We will be filling up exactly one full van load per move and everyone who helps will be paid in pizza and beer. Any help that can be given would be hugely appreciated, Fiona's back is in no shape to do any moving and I just can't do it all on my own.



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A good place for empty cardboard boxes is your local LCBO outlet. I figure that if a box is strong enough to carry something as important breakable as 12 bottles of Scotch, it'll probably be strong enough to carry books and CDs and stuff.

I'm not sure what my plans are going to be for the weekends you're planning on moving stuff, but if I'm in town, I'll be there.



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congratulations!!! new places are always exciting. and sweet deal with the moving parties, beer & pizza for filling up one vanload of boxes? dang, if i was closer i'd help for sure!

and that's a sweet bed. if i had any room in my place whatsoever for it, i'd totally take you up on that.

anyway. i do actually have a suggestion, not just "oh, well, i'd to this, i'd help with that, BUT..." comments. one of the handiest & most helpful items i've ever found in moving is clear plastic garbage bags! the ones you can get at zehrs (loblaws, valumart, whatever part of the zehrs family you have up there) are awesome, they have green drawstring handles and they are quite heavy duty. it's great, you don't even have to open them to see what's inside, they're perfect for clothes & other miscellaneous unbreakable crap.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Rob. We go through plenty of sturdy cardboard boxes at Long and McQuade Music. There is a bin at the back of the store specifically for broken-down cardboard, and quite often you will find a pile of whole boxes there. Give me a call at the store and I can scope it out for you. TMNS is gigging on Dec 11, but having just gone through a horrendous move, I send you the spirit of strength and good fortune in your transition to the new home!



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  • 3 weeks later...

hey rob. i am looking for responsibilities this weekend so i dont' go taking off on the nero run. i don't think we've met yet and i'm kind of a weakling but i'm pretty cheerful especially on saturdays and i would be happy to help you guys out whatever way i can.



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