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yup. i think we're on a crash course if we keep on bumming ourselves out.

if you're having a bad day why not ask yourself why you're having that bad day for example...we're really our own masters.the better we treat our friends and the better times we have the better our scene will be. not to point fingers or cynically compare, but i haven't noticed a sense of togetherness from jamhub here in ontario...i think we've got something genuinely special here.

if there's a 'scene' this is it. other than that it's mostly just bands with like ideals and interests and the people that like them. there are venue scenes and city scenes...this board tends to bring those scenes together.

I've had too many good times directly and indirectly related to this board and to a lesser (but still noteworthy) extent jamhub to have it all go to sh!t.

i think the board looks and feels better as of late.

i even caught myself checking me out in the mirror the other day. note to self: it's not as much of a shock when you slap your own ass...

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