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One guest list spot available for moe. tonight!


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It turns out that the free guest list spot for moe. tonight at Barrymore's that I won yesterday (thanks, FreakByNight) has been re-rigged, and now I have two spots. One's for me, and one's up for grabs.

The main snag is that I want to get in early, like 8:30pm - 9:00pm, so whoever responds in this topic first and who can meet me outside Barrymore's at 8:30pm gets it.



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I have to go off-line for a while, so if there's somebody who wants in (subject to a) being real, B) being able to hook up at 8:30pm in front of Barrymore's), phone me at home at 596-6128. If I don't hear from anyone by the time I leave for the show (probably 8:00pm, but maybe earlier), I'll likely end up giving it to a random somebody on the street.



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