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Friday December 17th


'1st Annual Xmas Bash'

Hosted/MC'ed By Bruce "Mole" Mowat

@ Casbah (306 King W @ Queen St)

downtown Hamilton


Scheduled to Perform:

THE SILVER HEARTS! - Peterborough-based country-ragtime-whiskeycore, they will not only break your heart, they will build you a new one too!

TINY BILL CODY - the 7-foot troubador of the Hamilton Music Scene. Poetic, melancholic yep somehow still hilarious!

MATTHEW DeZOETE - One the newest, brightest singer-songwriters in our fair city.

PLUS! In the Casbah Lounge - DJs 'HEX KITTEN' and 'SPACECUSHION' spin soul, old-time TV theme songs, a shake of indie-rock and some Grandmaster Flash.

There will be rum/egg-nog cocktails. And $3.00 ones from opening time (4:30pm to 7:30pm)!!!

There will be plenty of 'baked goods' too.

Casbah opens in the lounge at 4:30pm for our 'happy hours'. The venue opens for the show at 9:00pm.

Pay at the door, or visit the club for a ticket.

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Right on! The Silver Hearts were amazing when I saw them at PJC. Count me in.


The Silver Hearts have had some legendary shows in Hamilton (from the opening set before The Sadies in the tiny Raven club in 2001...to the 3 hour marathon at the Underground in October 2002)...this band should have 300 fans in this city considering the quality of their live show. You'd think the buzz would get out.

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The first time I saw the Hearts was a headlining gig in the summertime at Raven and it was insane!! The place was packed and everyone was dancing to the drunken ragtime brothel orchestra known as The Silver Hearts. Its too bad they haven't made any big moves since recording at Grant St. Studios last year - seems like they have so much potential to fill a big niche - but anyway I love to see this band play.

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hey ms.hux and I saw the Silver Hearts at the Silver Dollar last night. We were jonesing for some good live music, and we got KILLER live music.

I hope I do get to see them again really soon. We were talking to James (manager?) last night and he didn't indicate anything related to no more shows. I'm pretty sure he was talking about future shows in Ottawa and other places that (I wasn't paying attention to, cause I selfishly just want to see them in Ottawa)

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