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"Cosmicly Speaking......"

Calamity Jane

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here I am drinking (copiously) to ease the pain of marking english exams and I can't help but have that "Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy" question spinning in my brain...."does it really matter, cosmically speaking, if I don't get up and go to work in the morning?" Why can't all managers/bosses/prinicpals approach life with such clear-headed simplicity (okay..I'm not one for such clear-headed simplicity at the moment, but still!!!) Would it kill us all to take a 'snow-day' everytime the temp fell below -20? And hamilton -- where are you my copy-editor? -- I need help! D'ya think it's "cosmicly" or "cosmically"? Last question: is it ethical to be piss drunk while marking student exams/papers?

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okay bokonon & hamilton, time to prove yer mettle. My challenge is this: which is correct -- ironic (ironicly) or ironical (ironically)? I've heard both and I don't honestly know the answer, though I prefer to use the former choice when pressed. I've been looking to sub-contract out my marking so.........

(bonus Q; what is 'mettle'?)

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Your concerns in order, in my opinion:

1)Does it really matter, cosmically speaking, if I don't get up and go to work in the morning? Of course not, and frankly, if you are a teacher and you haven't figured out that at least one of those 20 sick days is a mental health day, reconsider. It's a good thing my prinicpal doesn't have a copy of Jambase or a very interesting pattern would start to appear.

2)As far as being pissed while marking, depends on the material. I find exams easier to mark because I don't have to put comments and have occasionally marked under the mild influence of substances. However, it's all about your comfort level. English can be so subjective, I'd be afraid of spotting genius where none exists.

3)In my board of ed, snow day = act of nature and for me that was two Thursday's ago(granted I drive 30 mins through the country to get to my school)

4)I find the solicitation of Hamilton for educational and substance abuse issues to be amusing on a variety of levels.

5)Good luck marking exams. I'm just waiting for another batch to roll in. One down, two more to go!!! Good luck.

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my advice would be to go over those essays again when you are sober, just in case....

but that would only LOWER their marks. Really, everybody's much happier when I mark this way. ;)

Scottieking -- of course I know about mental health days and r"E"covery days -- I just love that Hitchhiker's line is all, and often use it to justify a day off.

But hey! Way to organize my semi-muddled ravings!!! With you, bokonon & hamilton, I might never have to think clearly again! :: If I could afford it, you'd ALL be on my payroll!!!!

Not that I have illusions of grandeur about my place in the universe, but I did go into school today, mostly for the sake of my colleagues to whom I'm providing breaks during their exams. I've covered-off 4 math exams and as a language teacher, does this ever freak me out. The tension is so thick, I want to run screaming from the room, but somehow the kids stay in their seats. And when did calculators begin to have more buttons on them that AREN'T numbers than are numbers?


I don't take myself seriously...no one else should either.

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Call in sick? Man, call in well. No better way to confuse the hell out an employer on a Monday morning...

"No boss, I'm not gonna be able to make it in today...have you SEEN the sun shinin' out there? I feel way to good this morning to ruin my day by spending it at work."

I have tried this on occasion. It usually works. I think my boss figures that I'm still drunk. lol

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that's so great -- will you be able to work in a school or are you looking to work in a city's public library system? I always thought a librarian in a children's section would be a fun job. Good thing we're in Canada though -- i read over Xmas that Salinas CA can't afford to keep its libraries open. Apparently city council AND residents voted against a tax increase to keep the libraries funded. YAY USA, you lead the way!!

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