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"Wow, that's hot"


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"Wow, that's hot" is a seriously stupid expression. Paris and Nicole are talentless girls who's show became redundant after episode one. Why girls, a lot of girls, have decided that an anorexic airhead and her less talented, less attractive friend are worth spending any time on, I'll never know...

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who is paris hilton? all i know about her is that her home made porn was all over the internet and she's the heiress to hilton hotels. i don't have cable and therefore have never seen her show. i think i'm guilty of saying that's hot in the thread where canned beats is trying to pick up women ;) i said it because skills and coveralls really are hot. how else would i say that? that is a clear and concise way of expressing what i mean, what's wrong with that? just because you watch sh!tty tv i shouldn't talk how i want?

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hey... isn't nicole wearing coveralls in that shot?

they do seem to be falling off, though. somebody get that gil a safety pin!

edit to add: i did watch a few episodes of 'the simple life' when the first round was on, and i thought it was pretty funny, you know, the dog with pink booties, girls who had never heard of wal-mart, it was kind of like watching real aliens on TV. i found that the novely wore off quickly, though.

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i did watch a few episodes of 'the simple life' when the first round was on, and i thought it was pretty funny, you know, the dog with pink booties, girls who had never heard of wal-mart, it was kind of like watching real aliens on TV. i found that the novely wore off quickly, though.

Do you honestly think they had never heard of Wal-Mart? This show was fake from the get go. Even Paris has admitted she "played it up" to help with ratings... The novelty did disappear pretty fast, and now I see they're going to be interns on their new series... [color:"purple"] Wow, I bet that'll be ground breaking television...

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I remember watching and enjoying that show...not that i found it to be challenging and rewarding television, it was my favourite 'reality television' show...actually it still is. i admit it's ridiculous but that's why i watched it.

i don't tune in now but i don't think it's really that bad...considering that there's not much better programming on as of late.

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I remember watching and enjoying that show...not that i found it to be challenging and rewarding television, it was my favourite 'reality television' show...actually it still is. i admit it's ridiculous but that's why i watched it.

i don't tune in now but i don't think it's really that bad...considering that there's not much better programming on as of late.

I feel bad for you...

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