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have a coffee...


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actually, when I read it in the paper earlier it was saying that a cup or 2 was good while 3 or 4 had the best benefit (against liver cancer)

once you go black you never go back, can't even fanthom cream and sugar in coffee (or tea) anymore (and don't really picture the Japanese being into it either)

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according to Forbes (same study)

"In our study, liver cancer risk significantly decreased with the amount of coffee consumed (compared with nondrinkers, 48 percent decrease with 1-2 cups per day; 52 percent decrease for 3-4 cups per day; 76 percent decrease for 5 cups per day),"

they're going to try to isolate the component of coffee that is good for helping avoid liver cancer

Although the researchers, from Tohoku University in Sendai, haven't pinpointed the substance in coffee that works its magic on the liver, they did note that chlorogenic acid, which is present in coffee beans, reduced the risk of liver cancer in an animal study.

green tea is good for reducing the risk of bladder cancer and combating cancers in general (amongst other health benefits like reducing your heart disease risk)

holy posting, to hell with the liver... thats enough coffee ::

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